The Meeting

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Perspective: Nimitz CSG
The Captain stands on the flight deck observing six ships as they close in. Three are flying the American flag, have some unknown flag on their masts, and one flies the Union Jack. The flotilla of ships consists of one aircraft carrier, three light cruisers, one destroyer, and one heavy cruiser. The carrier blows its whistle to acknowledge the Nimitz's strike group. In response, the Nimitz sounds her horn back. One of Nimitz's small motor boats sails towards the Taskforce to pick important people aboard the ships. A few minutes later it returns to the Nimitz, filled with six girls, all of various ages. "Officer Johnson please go down to the lifeboat and escort the guest to the island." The Captain commands. "Yes sir." A young man says before walking off towards the starboard side of the ship. Then the Captain walks over to the large building-like structure on the starboard side of the vessel. So enough Officer Johnson returns with the six girls in tow. "Greetings Ladies, welcome aboard the USS Nimitz. I am Admiral Chester Arthur." The Admiral says. "Pleasure to meet you, Admiral. My name is Belfast." Says a blue-eyed, white-haired woman who looks to be in her mid-twenties. "I am Prinz Eugen. I suppose you have already met Z23." Say a white-haired, orange-eyed girl who seems to be about 21 or 22 years old. Z23 waves to Chester. "I am Helena, nice to make your acquaintance mister Arthur." Says a blue-haired purple-eyed girl who looks about 18. "Hello, Admiral. I am Enterprise, it is very nice to meet you." Says a woman who has light purple eyes and white hair, who looks to be in her mid-twenties. "You all have very interesting names, hair colors, and eye colors, but who am I to judge my guest," Chester says. "Hey, where did Cleveland go?" Helena asks.
Perspective: Cleveland
A blonde-haired, red-eyed girl strolls up and down an F-14 Tomcat placing her hand on the plane every so often. "Well hello, gorgeous!" A voice calls from behind her. Cleveland jumps in surprise and turns around. A man is standing there watching her. "What are you doing by my plane?" He asks. "Nothing, just admiring it. I have never seen anything like it. Where is the propeller?" Cleveland says. "You never seen a Jet before? It doesn't have a propeller." The man responds. "Really then how does it fly?" The girl asks. "Simple, it burns fuel creating exhaust, which is blown out the back very fast, pushing the plane forward." The man says. Cleveland's eyes widen. "That's so cool! Could you show me?" She asks. "For a pretty girl like you, I could do you one better. I could give you a ride." The man says. Cleveland blushes slightly. "Really?! That would be awesome!" She says. "Yeah, I just have to ask permission first. What's your name by the way?" He says. "Cleveland." Says the cruiser. The man starts to laugh. "Like the city? Who names their child after a city!" He laughs. Cleveland frowns. "No like the Ship." She snaps. "Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have laughed. It's just an odd name is all. My name is Daniel, Daniel Brown, but you can call me Dan." He says. "It's nice to meet you, Dan," Cleveland says. "Likewise Cleveland," Dan responds. He gestures towards Cleveland. "Follow me. If I get permission to take you up, you're going to have to put on a flight suit." He tells her. Cleveland goes over to Dan, and the two begin to walk toward the island.
Perspective: Admiral Chester Arthur
"So you're telling me that you are all the personas of warships?" Chester says. "Correct Admiral," Belfast responds. "Well, this is weird. But it's an honor to have you abroad my ship." Chester declares. "I'm sure Nimitz is honored to have us aboard as well." Enterprise comments. As if on cue, Nimitz's horn lets out a long wail. Chester pulls out his portable radio. "Who gave the order to sound the horn without my consent!" He shouts into it. "No one sir. It was an electrical malfunction." Comes with a voice over the radio. Chester puts the radio back in his pocket. "You said that as if the Nimitz was a person and could think." He says to Enterprise. Enterprise lays her hand on the side of the ship's island. "You just don't get, do you, Admiral? If we are the personification of warships, it means we had souls. Why would your ship be an exception?" She tells him. "I suppose so. I mean some time she acts as if she has a mind of her own." Chester comments. "Sir." A voice calls from behind him. He turns around to see a man in a full-flight suit and a blonde-haired girl standing next to him. "Ah, Lieutenant Brown. Good to see you, what can I do for you?" Chester asks. "Well sir, I was wondering if I could Cleveland, here for a little ride in my Tomcat," Brown says gesturing to the blonde-haired girl. "Well I suppose you could but..." Chester says before being cut off by Enterprise. "Forgive me for interrupting Admiral. Where were you Cleveland? You should have stayed with the rest of us!" Enterprise scolds. "Sorry Enterprise, I was looking at the planes. I haven't seen anything like them and thought I could make a mental blueprint to study later. It won't happen again I promise." Cleveland responds ashamed. "Very well Cleveland, but if it happens again you will have to help Belfast and the maids with their duties," Enterprise says. Cleveland nods her head. "Anyway, as I was saying, it would be alright with me if you take her up, but you would have to check with your squadron commander and the air boss first." Chester continues from before he was interrupted. Sargent Brown nods his head. "Come on Cleveland, we have to me with my CO. You can meet my squadmates on the way." He says to the girl. The two walk towards an open door on the carrier's island.

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