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everyone on Instagram started to figure out. even my friends, me and julian started hanging out too much. but it was so fun how could I not hang out with him.

" ugh fuck it " devyn said as she put her phone down on the bed and gets up. thinking about what she's going to wear on her date with julian. she wanted it to be on the low so she opens the closet and picks her green shirt and pants.

" just a simple cute little night out hopefully people don't overthink it too much " she says too herself. the only person who knew they were dating was jaden, her best friend. jaden was eveyones best friend, julians, rileys and god knows who else.

jaden found out on his own, he kinda walked in on them kissing one night.. but he swore to never tell. he knew devyn would be so mad and not only her, julian too. because he's their best friend.

devyn looks up at her phone to see a text.

she knows he gets teased for his last name so she said it, not thinking what would happen

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she knows he gets teased for his last name so she said it, not thinking what would happen. her eyes widened and her cheeks were red. not ready for what she thought was gonna happen.

she finishes getting ready and try's to calm down because her and julian been dating for 2 weeks and she has so much love for him already. she's only been in one real relationship. she runs to open the door.

" hey zarbruh " devyn says as soon as she opens the door. he walks in and just looks at her. she closes the door and runs back to her room sliding across the floor because of her socks. julian laughs and sits down waiting.

" why hasn't he said anything or walked into my room yet.. okay um maybe I'm just overthinking too much " she said to herself. she puts on shoes and gets her bag, she walks over to him and says " I'm ready " and smiled big. julian just looking over at her and smiled " so cute " he said.

something was off a little bit she thought to herself. julian walks and opens the door so devyn could go. they walk to his car and gets in. picking up his phone " here " says julian. devyn already knew what she was doing, " MUSIC YES " she said so happy.

he knows her so well already which made her really happy. they only been talking for 4 months and recently started dating. they did all the lovey stuff like a month ago but made it official to them selfs 2 weeks ago.

devyn sings along to the song ' love club ' by lorde. her favorite artist, julian was singing along too at this point he knew all the words of how much she put that song on.

they were so happy and just having fun. but she could tell something was going on with him. " we arrived " said julian, making devyn smile. she gets out and runs over to julian.

he grabs her hand which caught devyn by surprise just a little bit because they don't publicly do anything together but go and eat. this is what devyn meant by something was off.

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