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not thinking anyone was paying attention to them and if they were they didn't care, they were having so much fun. avani seen them and she joined them and then ant and kio and riley.

one by one everyone was joining us, making everyone laugh. singing loud and jumping, julian notices them. he walks over and sees shes dancing with vinnie. he gets mad so he decided to join in.

" hey babe " devyn says drunk and jumping up and down

julian not saying anything just moving a little bit, the song is almost over so he pulls devyn out to the side not making it too noticeable, and asks her why she was dancing with vinnie.

" um what I was dancing with everyone not just him you know. we were just having fun nothing more, what are you trying to get at. " devyn says

" you know what I'm saying, he still likes you I don't want you hanging with him devyn. he needs to know you're with me "

" julian calm down I'm trying to have fun. "

" I don't care you can just not with him devyn. "

" I've never seen you like this. you know what fuck you leave me alone " devyn says walking away joining back in glaring at julian.

julian just walks off. leaving everyone staring at julian. eveyeone was still dancing tho they tried to make it fun and just get it off devyns mind.

devyns drunk out of her mind and really isn't paying attention to what's happening. the song ends and she goes sits down and starts feeling dizzy. avani and Vinnie notice so they walk to her and ask her is she okay.

devyn looks up and avani gave her water. she asked to go to a room to lay down, since vinnie lived there he offered to take her there. avani helped him take her upstairs.

devyn sits on the bed and looks at vinnie who is trying to make sure she's good. he sits next to her with his hand on her back looking at her. she lays down and looks at him.

he gets up and gets a hoodie for her to wear since she was wearing a dress and was slowly falling asleep. no words, they just make eye contact. he walks out and goes back downstairs.

avani asks vinnie if she's okay he just nodded and walked off. vinnie went to get water and he keeps hearing this annoying but familiar voice, he turns and it's emily. of course it's her, vinnie walks up to her.

" what are you doing here "

" what can I not come.. I was invited "

" by who bc everyone here doesn't like you and you know that. "

" your good friend julian actually "

vinnie's eyes widened and walked off. he went to tell avani and she was kinda mad about it. so avani told the girls, riley and annie. they had this bright idea to get at Emily.

avani riley and annie all go to the kitchen and stare at Emily. waiting for her to notice they are there. Emily eventually turns around and see's them.

" oh look the three bitches are here. aren't you missing one?? what's her name.. hm my boyfriends ex?? " Emily said with a rude look on her face.

" shut up bitch, are you sad your two boyfriends likes devyn aw " riley says.

" embarrassing julian AND vinnie went after devyn and not you, I mean I see why. " avani says.

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