7 ' !

27 1 0

first I wanna say sorry for the cussing lmao and I'll start putting " ! " in the chapter name, meaning when they like get touchy and stuff. NOT TOO TOUCHY and ' if there's cussing but just saying in case it makes anyone uncomfortable. and most of the other people aren't gonna be in this anymore, just bc idk what to do with this book fully. <3


" yeah I think so too, are we on the same page or not " he said.

" well what are you thinking "

" we aren't together, I'm not ready. "

" um what do you mean your not ready.. " she said shocked

" yeah you just got out a relationship and I'm not sure I like you all the way yet " he said, standing up.

" what the fuck dude you just told me you liked me back I'm confused right now vinnie "

" devyn I'm sorry I just think we should give it more time, let me figure it out more then we'll talk as not it again "

" after this I don't know if there's gonna be a again, you led me on and you knew I was hurting what the fuck "

vin just gets up and leaves. Leaving her to go in her bed and cry about it. so confused what even happened.

3 days pass.

she's still crying over the fact she lost Julian and vin, as friends. as she's about to go to sleep she hears a knock. she thinks " should I be happy or scared.. could it be him? vin? or julian? avani? " she slowly gets out of bed and walks to the door.

she looks for like a sec and she sees curly hair, it scared her. she counted to three and opened the door, she shes someone she didn't expect. jaden! I mean yes they are best friends but he's friends with vinnie.. does he know? oh no..

" hey " devyn says with a smile on her face jumping up and down

" HI DEV, WYD " he said loud


Jaden walks in and stands there looking at her, she's wiping her face. he hugged her and then they sat on the couch. they were talking about her and vin, he knew bc vin seemed upset at the house.

as they are talking about it she gets a text, but it's from Julian..

" oh uh what do I do " devyn says freaking out

jaden grabs her phone and texts " come over rn "

" you need to loosen up and just fuck it " he said
he walks out the door and devyn goes and changes. she hears someone knock on the door, and she gets really scared. she runs over and opens the door. it's NOT Julian oh my gosh.. it's vinnie.


devyn gets jaden to open the door and vinnie was confused why he was there but didn't ask any questions, they walked off. 10 mins later she hears someone shut their door.

they knock. julian is here. she takes a deep breath and opens the door.

" hi come in, sit wherever " she said nervous

" okay " he sits down " um I'm glad you said to come over I wanted to talk and clear things up I'm first I wanted to say that I'm sorry how things ended " he said

" me too, it's okay we both were drunk and not thinking, you know? " she says

" yeah and me and Emily NEVER again, I told her to come to the party but I didn't even hang out with her I left after that "

" yeah um I was fucked up so I ended up laying down in vins room but we didn't do anything, the next day we went to my house and um I told him to lay down with me, but nothing really happened I felt like you should know since we are clearing things up "

" oh um yeah I figured something might of happened yall seemed to be getting along again "

" we were till he said stupid shit like always so as of right now we aren't friends anymore yeah I know that lasted for like 4 days DONT SAY ANYTHING! " jokingly, sarcastically she says.



they just joked and had fun for about an hour or two, they became friends again, they decided to watch their favorite show! outer banks.

when they watched like 3 episodes he left, bc it was getting late. devyn went to sleep and had a dream about her and Julian being together again. it changed her perspective on things. it made her think of them being together again.

but maybe he only seen her as a friend now. whatever she just drops the whole dream thing and goes about her day. she feels so weird not to have vin with her, and she misses him. she wants to apologize because she understands he isn't ready and she was being a bitch.

hours pass and she decides to text him to come over, like she did Julian because that went well maybe this will too? he told her he will be there in about an hour. she just gets ready, she wants to look like she wasn't crying over him everyday..

he eventually shows up and they sit and talk.

" I'm sorry about how I acted, you not being ready is understandable " devyn said.

" yeah but I also see what you were saying, because I told you I liked you and we kissed and stuff and all the sudden I wasn't ready. "

" exactly but it's okay now, if you aren't ready 100% that's fine. "

so they leave on good terms, but where does this leave them? friends? talking? she doesn't know. so before he left she asked him and he said he wants to take things slow.

so days pass and they are just hanging out every now and then, and she's also hanging out with Julian.. just as friends. and vin knew about it, People start to notice. they get so confused who's she's with.

Thursday ( week later )

her and Julian were in his car in a parking lot at a park. they are eating food and just enjoying there time. all the sudden they just stop and look at each other and he leans in to kiss her. she's shocked she pulls away, and says nothing.

he just looks at her and for some reason it didn't feel the same. he just plays music and he takes her home. she doesn't know what to do, is that cheating? should she tell vin?

indecisive, she calls him to come over. he obviously said yes and they first just chilled and then she started to ease her way to the kiss between her and Julian.

" um there's something I need to tell you, idk I feel like you should know "

vinnie is sitting next to her kinda close, he's not really paying attention to her. he's looking at her so amazed, he's staring at her lips and eyes, the way she talks. right before she tells him, he grabs her face, and leans in. they kissed, she liked this one better.

but oh no.. what just happened.

not thinking at all she kissed him back and they made out. she felt so much joy, until she remembered. she pulls away and stands up, walking back n forth.

vin is concerned so he asks " um what's happening "

" nothing um I'm super tired I'm sorry, I don't care if you stay but I'm going to bed " devyn says.

" ill go, goodnight " he says walking out.

she runs to her room and just can't stop thinking of both of the kisses.


hi guys LMAO IM SO SORRY JEEZ IK IT TOOK FORVWR.. I just write when I'm bored tbh anyways mwah!

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