Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Y/N's Pov

As I watched the two fight - again - I thought about what to do. I had to either make all the friends get into the fight, or break up the fight so they got together and didn't care about me anymore.

Second choice it is.

A/N Even Y/N ships Laxon, smh just get together 😒😒😒

Jaxon had Leo pinned to the floor - wish that was the end of the story -  and was punching his face. Leo's face looked horrid, all bruised and bloody. Oof. This actually might have to stop before Jaxon kills Leo, even though he does kinda deserve it. But still. Before I could take another step toward them and think of a plan, someone grabbed my arm.

It was her. Melissa. The goddess. the girl with fire lipstick and red hair. My Melissa.

A/N Hmmmm possessive Y/N 😳😳

"Stay out of it! Have them fight it out. This is all their fault, let them both get what they deserve." she explained to me, with one of her eyebrows raised "All you will do is mess things up and wonder why they fight over you so much. You want to get rid of them, don't you?"

I twisted out of her grip "EXACTLY! If I break up the fight, then they'll get back together and leave me the fuck alone!"

"That has very little chances of working, Y/N. They will both just 'fall' for you more. They are trying to make each other jealous!" She shouted in lowercase. "Honestly, sometimes your logic is just wrong. Just let them fight it out. Stay the hell out of it. Meanwhile..."She looked over at me, with a new emotion in her eyes. "We can..... go on a date?"

My heart froze. YES, I wanted to shout. To hug her. To kiss her. But her logic had even more chance of failing, and I knew that. So even though I wanted the opposite, it still slipped out of my mouth - 

"No. I have to do it. "

"Ugh. Just why." She rolled her eyes, letting me jog her towards Jaxon and Leo.

"I won't stay out of it! Gotta get them together, away from me, so I could date you."

A/N Everyone said their feelings. Yes.

I reached where the two were still fighting. It was an unpleasant sight. I yelled, "STOP FIGHTING! Look at each other, you look like animals. Not just that, but everyone knows your secret. And by this path, you'll kill each other, idiots!!" Jaxon, who was currently on top, turned to look at me with a bit of disbelief in his eyes. "No, because seriously, STOP!" I continued, pointing at Leo, who was all bloody and bruised. "You will kill your boyfriend."

He sighed loudly, glancing at Leo, and he calmed down a bit. Still some feelings for Leo. Thank shit. Then Jaxon headed to the bathroom, obviously to wash himself up, as he was almost as bloody as Leo. I've been in fights and know how hard it is to wash up by yourself. And he must have gotten over me by now, so I ran after him and grabbed his hand "Hey man, I'm nice, so I'll help you wash up." I added a an awkward smile and after he shrugged and nodded, he led me into the bathroom.

A/N So yeah, this isn't the last chapter. Surprise! The end of Rae's work is coming up tho.

The bathroom was huge. I made Jaxon sit on the bathtub while I took some towels and started clearing off his blood. Great for satanic rituals. He didn't say anything for a while, but then he at last muttered, "Thanks"

"No problem. It would have been way harder if you did it yourself. Anyway, I got a question but why would you fight for me. Honestly i thought you completley hated me by the way you acted at school. Like come oooooon."

"I, in fact, don't hate you," he said as he looked away, feeling my angry eyes burrowing into him. "i thought you would have understood it by now. I actually am really in love with you." Well then why didn't you talk to me? You ran away like I was sprayed with fart spray or sum. 

"Seriously?" I thought he was over me-

"Yes!" he told me "I'm sorry. I ignored you because I was too nervous. Also because I sometimes can be a really bad person and that you deserve better than me." Yes in fact I do. "I'd rather have you hate me instead of being hurt by me" What the fuck?  He sighed.

"You're not really a baaaaad person" i told him, lying through my teeth.

His eyes widened, "You really don't think so?" No blind bitch, I'm lying to you.

I fake-smiled and slightly nodded "YEAH! Yeah! Yeah. Yeah..." I looked away in shame. He seemed so happy being called not a bad person. Stupid though. Really stupid, to be honest. Perfect for Leo, though.

He sighed again "Y/N, it was 2 and a half months when I dated Melissa. It didn't mean anything to me. You're perfect." This. Guy. Is. An. Asshole. How could he have not loved Melissa? She is perfection.

A/N Spitting fax, Y/N.

I blinked my blue eyes and looked in embarrassment as he just stared at me. The silence was broken by two sudden words.

"May I?" he asked. i looked back up at him, very confused. "May you what, leave? Sure."

"No no no, Y/N... May I do this?"

Without any permission, or any hint of consent, he scooped my head up in his hands and kissed me. My second kiss. My kiss that could have saved my first kiss.

Tears filled my eyes, spilling this time.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

He pulled away, looking at me. His eyes saw my tears as tears of joy. I saw it on his face. It made me cry even harder.

He took a deep breathe, perparing for something big. He dug around in his pocket and took out a small box, which wrote "For Leo".

He sat on one knee, facing me. He then asked, "Y/N, my greatest love, will you marry me?"

A/N From here, all the events in the book are mine and mine only. Before this sentence, it was mostly rae_thereader 's work.

I was in awe. This guy was blinder than a mole. I tried doing it politley before, but that was over. He sat, smiling, waiting for me to say yes.

"Jaxon. JAXON! Are you stupid? NO! I love Melissa. Not you. Go and marry Leo. Even the damn fucking rings know that." Few. I let it out, then stormed out of the room. To Melissa.

A/N Chapter 5 and maybe 6 will be posted tomorrow and maybe the day after tomorrow. If you read this far, thank you so so so much. Your comments make my day.

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