Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Melissa was still waiting for me in the main room.

"Melissa! You were right..." I started sobbing. She side-eyed me. "I should have done what you told me. Please, can we leave this place.

"I. Told. You. So. But sure, let's leave. It's not like there's anybody worth waiting for." She was really angry with me, but was trying to keep it easy with me.

"YES! Thank you so much...." I paused, gaining some courage to ask, "Melissa, will you go out with me?"

Melissa looked at me, not expecting me to ask that right now. Thankfully, she nodded. "Sure Y/N." She smiled.

2 Days Later, The Day Of The Date
I walked into the cute little restaurant, sitting down at an empty, 2-person table.

I waited a few minutes, and then she came in. She was in a beautiful short black dress. I mentally noted to ask her where she got it.

She saw me and walked over. Smiling, Melissa sat down across me.

"H-hi." I stuttered awkwardly. Even though I met her just 3 days ago, I still really really liked her.

Once we ordered some sushi to share, we started casually talking, although neither of us could stop idiotically smiling from ear to ear.

"So, how have you been?"
"Not bad. What about you? Anything new?"
"No, just a new, beautiful girlfriend."
"Aw, same here."

It was amazing. Her beautiful smile and cute makeup, her graceful movements. The most wonderful girl was dating me. Me.

When we finished eating our sushi, Melissa told me she wanted to show me something amazing.

"Come with me!" Melissa said playfully, tugging at my arm.
"Ok, ok." I said, raisng my arms in defeat and jogging after her, who was heading onto a small path.

After walking a block or two, we arrived at a small hill. After it was a steep cliff.

"This is the most wonderful place to watch a sunset. And today I want to do it with you."

I was in awe. I lay down on the hill, next to her, and watched as the sun slowly descended lower and lower, turning the skies orange and pink shades.

I sat up and looked Melissa right in the eyes.

"Now let's do what I want."
"And what do you want."
"To.... Kiss you."
I blushed, and so did Melissa. She sat up, not breaking eye contact.

We slowly leaned in.

It was amazing. It made up for my first two kisses. It made up for my next hundred kisses. This was the most amazing thing in the world. Seconds seemed like hours, like entire decades. I wanted to do it forever.

But it ended.

We looked at each other, flustered.
This was, by far, the very best day of my life.

Melissa, I love you.

A/N And that's the end of Y/Nissa!! Long story short they both go on more dates, watch more sunsets, kiss more, and of course marry and be soulmates.
Jaxon's POV
Right after Y/N ran out of the bathroom when he proposed.
Everything she said was right. I should leave, and I should get back together with Leo. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I stood up from my knee, put the ring back into the box. One day, I'll give it to Leo. The person I actually bought the ring for.

Making each other jealous didn't work out at all. We ended up harassing the poor girl until she just left and came out lesbian.

And I am gay. So is Leo.

I walked outside the bathroom, just to see Leo sitting on a chair, clearly in deep thought. When he heard my footsteps, he looked up in disgust. I hurt him.

"What a wonder seeing you still here. WhErE's YoUr WiFe?" He taunted. Gosh, he really hates me now. I hope I can fix it. I really want to.

"Leo, I know I acted like an asshole the past few days. I'm really sorry, bu-"

"NO! Shut up. I don't wanna hear anything from you. But about the asshole part, you're right. You're an asshole."

"Leo, please hear me out." I paused, making sure to look as sorry as I am. "I want to get back together. Please. I love you."

He just glared at me. "Fine. But only if you do something to prove you really want to get back together."

"Ok, such as...?"

Leo thought a second. "Get us expensive engagement rings. At least 5k." He thought a bit more. "And when we get there, so I'm on top. Got that?"

Ugh. That is gonna be hard. But.... Leo's worth it.
Leo smirked, happy he was back together with me AND with some extra benefits. Although, I was happy we got back together as well.
Melissa's POV
3 Days After The Failed Proposal Or 1 Day After Y/Nissa Date
Ugh, I hate school. But it's Monday, so I have to go.

The only good thing about it was seeing Y/N. She is wonderful. She is also a really good kisser. I'm glad we're dating now.

When I got ready for school, in a gold top and black leggings, I got outside and started walking towards school.

All I could think about was me and Y/N's kiss. It was magical. The sun setting, the kiss lasting until the sun hid and we both hesitantly pulled away.

We could have been in the moment forever.

When I got to school, nothing changed. Ugh. I went to 1st period, math. I sat down in the back of the class, hoping to finally understand what the hell we were learning there.

Why is math so complicated?!?

After math class, it was PE, then English, then Science, and at last it was lunch. I went to sit with the other cool girls, along with Y/N.

That's when we all talk about rumors and actual things that are happening at school. The very first thing that came up were Leo and Jaxon. I suddenly became interested in the conversation.

"Apparently Jaxon and Leo aren't cousins!" One of the girls said. Everyone knew that by now.

"And there's also something new! Leo and Jaxon dated in the past and are now back together." That was something new.
"Really?!?" I asked wide-eyed.
"Mhm." she finished proudly.


After school, I came up to Leo. He saw me, smiling widely.
"Hey Melissa! I don't know if you heard, me and Jaxon are together now! Look at the engagement ring he got me!" He exclaimed, showing his hand, practically shoving it into my face.

He was real happy to be back with Jaxon. And I was real happy to be with Y/N. I like how it all is now.

A/N And that is the end!!! I really hope you enjoyed. Also, I drew some fan art of Melissa, so I'll post that in the next part.

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