Birthday party

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There's no way we can get Josie back she's insane it's like a vampire with no humanity lizzie says

You can't give up on her I'm not we will fight for her but right now we need to get Alyssa to mr. Saltzman. Y/n says

Lizzie and hope hold Alyssa and take her to mr. Saltzmans office they open the door and lay her down on the couch

Where is he? Hope asks

Lizzie starts to have a panic attack

Wait wait lizzie what's wrong calm down it's going to be okay hope says

I don't care about Alyssa! Whatever surprise Josie has it can't be good it just can't the school is in danger we're all gonna die hope and nobody can save us. Lizzie says


Mr. Saltzman comes in

What is this what happen

Josie killed her shes gone dad.. she's gone what's gonna happen I'm scared dad please lizzie says

Baby baby it will be okay just settle down go to the gym with hope and Y/N and I'll deal with this..

Why hope ask

Josie is throwing some kind of birthday party she's having people decorate in the gym I don't know what she has planned but whatever it is is not good I need you guys to keep an eye on it.

Yeah sure whatever mr saltzman come on lizzie hope says

Hope y/n and lizzie walk into the gym

What is this it looks like some type of death party y/n says

That's probably what it is thanks a lot y/n lizzie says

Guys come on let's sit on the benches hope says

All three of them walk towards the bench looking around to see if they can find Josie but she was nowhere

Why is it Josie at her own party planning lizzie says

Hey you come here! Hope says to a random stranger blowing balloons up

Do you know what's going on here what does Josie have planned don't be scared you can tell me hope says

You don't know? This is ur party liz be excite-

Josie appears behind them

I would snap your neck but I'll cut you some slack for helping set up the party you can leave now Josie says while smiling

What does she mean this is my party? I would definitely not choose black balloons lizzie says with an attitude

Remind me not to throw any of you a surprise party tonight we're going to do the merge Josie says

W-what u cant ur not old enough hope says

But with a little bit of dark magic you can do anything are you excited Lizzie we will finally see who's the stronger one Josie says then walks away

Lizzie looks back at us
I guess You were right y/n this is a death party and it's my death party.. lizzie says with tears in her eyes

Come on.. there's no way this will go through and if so I believe in you hope says

Okay.. but if it does go through one of you are gonna die I'm not ready for that y/n says

Lizzie starts to cry and walks away to her dorm

Y/n you are our only hope rn I really believe that u can talk to her and get something out of her.. hope says to y/n desperately

I could try but I doubt she will listen..

Give her the necklace..


The necklace that has Y+J 4L I saw it on your desk I assumed it meant y/n plus Josie no?

Yeah.. okay

I have hope in you hope says them hugs y/n

Hope walks away out of the gym and I walk to my   Dorm and grab the black box with the necklace in it take a deep breath and walk towards the door I open the door and there josie is waiting outside of it

Hope walks away out of the gym and I walk to my   Dorm and grab the black box with the necklace in it take a deep breath and walk towards the door I open the door and there josie is waiting outside of it

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J-josie hi... y/n says dropping the necklace

Josie looks down and picks it up

Aww this for me? She says sarcastically
She walks into the room and looks around and sits on the chair in the corner

What are you doing in here jo..?

Just looking around is this my birthday gift? Jo says

Yes I got it for you.. open it y/n says

Josie rolls her eyes then opens the tiny box
Y+J4L and what is this supposed to mean?

It's Josie and y/n for life..

Josie looks up to y/n making eye contact

What? Y/n says

Why did u get me this and why does it say that..

Well I got it for our relationship and I know your gone for right now but I was gonna give it to you when we got you back..

Relationship..? That turned to dust when u walked into the school from the car me and you are done

Tears start to fill y/n eyes she snatches the necklace from her hand

Okay she throws the necklace in the trash

Okay then we done like u said..

Good jo says

You know.. I miss you the real you I miss that Josie this new Josie is just.. I don't know but I don't like it.. y/n says

You give me a headache I don't miss that about you jo says

Whatever.. and to think I wanted to tell you I loved you..
I see a bit of shock in jos eyes
But not anymore.. jo says

You love me? Jo says standing up walking towards me

Loved.. I cant love this new you this dark you..

I- I- jo struggles to say something

But I can do this y/n walks fast towards Josie kissing her on the lips

Y/n pulls away and stabs her in the arm with a shot..

This is the only way I can get u back y/n says

Josie passes out
Y/n yells out hope and lizzie

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