Chapter 6

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Ryan's Pov:

Harry stopped the car finally. It felt like hours sitting in that car. I couldn't really tell where we were because all I could see were trees. Harry got out of the car and walk over to my side and opened the door. He held his hand out to help me get out of the car. Harry is such a gentleman, how did I get so lucky? He has great looks and a great personality, how does it get any better? He seemed like the perfect man and boyfriend material, not that I was thinking about that or anything. Anyways, I got out, with Harry's help, and we started walking.

"Where are we Harry?" I asked. It looked like we were literally in the middle of a forest.

"One if my favorite spots, I always come here to clear my head. No one knows it's out here but me" Harry replied.

He quickly takes my hand, surprising me and I jolt back. I look at him and he seems embarrassed, so I grabbed his hand and I could see his dimples as he smiled. He takes me along this path with overgrown trees and plants. We finally get out of the forest and the sight is breath taking. It was a cliff where you could see the town and right above it was the sun. This was the perfect spot. It was beautiful.

Harry put a blanket down and a basket I didn't even realize he was holding. We both sit down and I smile. He opened the basket and pulls out what looks like peanut butter and jelly and some potato chips. I decided that I would tease him a little.

"Umm Harry, are those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"

"Yea why?" he responded.

"Um well, I'm allergic to peanuts so I can't eat that."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't. Oh my god I feel like a complete idiot I'm sorry...."

"Harry! I was kidding! You should of seen your face!" I laughed. He gave me a "seriously" look. I just laughed even more and took a sandwich. He picked up a sandwich too and we both started eating. As soon as Harry took a bite jelly squirted from the sandwich on his shirt.

"Seriously? This is a brand new shirt!" He sad angrily. I just laughed even harder than already had. He game me that look again and I just smiled innocently.

"Here let me help you," I laughed. I grabbed a napkin from the basket and took some water from my water bottle. Then I dabbed his shirt to get the stain out. The shirt he was wearing was falling off his chest so you could see his two bird tattoos. I really like those tattoos I don't know why but they just make me smile every time I see them.

"Ryan, I can do this myself," he laughed.

"I know but I thought I would be nice and help you out," I said as I continued to dab his shirt.

When I finished I looked up at him and he was smiling. I turned away blushing and smiling. I have never met a guy that makes me feel so happy and excited.

I feel his hand touch my cheek, and he turns my face towards his. He looks into my eyes, and I can see a little sparkle. I blush again and Harry starts to lean in. At first I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing because I was so mesmerized by the sparkle in his eyes. But as soon as I realized he was going to kiss me I turned my head. I could see his smile turn to a frown and he looked pretty disappointed and embarrassed.

"Harry, I really like you, but I'm not one to kiss on the first date," I tried to get out. I felt horrible, Harry looked devastated.

"It's okay Ryan, I understand." He said. He smiled but I could tell it was forced.

After a while, it started to get dark and I was started to wonder when we would head back. I looked over at Harry and smiled and bit my lip a little. Never hurts to be too flirt sometimes, right? I hear Harry's phone buzz and I look over at the bright screen. It said he had a text message from someone named Niall. Before I could see what he wrote, Harry picked up the phone and stood up. Once again his faces turned from happy to what looked like anger.

"I need to take this, I'll be right back," he said as calmly as possible.

Harry was really concerning me. I know we only had known each other less than a week but I still felt he should tell me what was going on.


After fifteen minutes of boredom, Harry walked back over. He still seemed pretty mad. It was really starting to concern me but I didn't want to question him because of what happened in the car earlier.

"So I should probably take you back now." Harry said without looking at me.

"Okay," I tried to say with a smile. This date literally went from awesome to horrible in one minute. We started to walk over to the car. Harry, trying to play off like nothing happened, opened the door for me and smiled. I forced a smile and got into the car. It got really awkward really fast. It was awful. He walked over to the driver's side of the car and got in.

"Harry, just tell me one thing." I say looking out the window of the car.


"Why won't you just tell me what's going on. I'm really worried about you"

He turned to face me. He stared into my eyes with his green ones. I could see the pain in his eyes and it just made me want to know even more.

"Ryan, I really like you. I do. But I think it's best if you stay out of this. You really don't want to know." He responds.

So I just sit there with my arms crossed and I hear him start the car. I could tell that this car ride was gonna be just as bad as the one here.


We got back to my house and drove onto the driveway. Before Harry could get out of the car, I opened my car door.

"Thanks Harry, I had fun tonight."

I smiled trying to forget that bad parts of the date. He smiled back and I got out of the car. I started to walk up to my door and I hear the car door open.

"Ryan, wait" Harry says.

I really did not want to drag this on any further so I just kept waking. I was done with this awkwardness.

The next thing I know I felt my wrist being pulled back and fell into Harry's chest. I look up at Harry, (who seems pretty intimidating, I never realized how tall he was) with my hands still on his chest. His piercing green eyes were looking back at mine. Suddenly he tipped his head down and leaned in to kiss me. I was surprised and shocked I just stood there. I quickly moved back, still stunned.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I think I should go inside now." I said as I quickly opened my door and run inside.

As soon as I closed my door, I put my back against it and sank down onto the ground. I began thinking about what just happened and realized I possibly just ruined a opportunity any girl would have died for. I just rejected a kiss from a guy, which I should feel angry, yet I feel really upset and regretful that I did.

Somewhere Only We Know (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant