Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

Damn it. Damn it. I was such an idiot. I shouldn't have leaned it. What was I thinking? No girl kissing on the first date unless they are desperate, which was basically most of the girls I dated in the past. It was my secrets. It had to be. I couldn't tell her about my "second" life. It would have made her run away. She was not ready for it yet. I really thought there was something between us and I didn't want to fuck it up.

Ryan's POV

I took a shower before bed so I could refresh myself after that somewhat amazing night. I couldn't believe I didn't kiss him. He seemed like a guy that could be relationship material, I really wanted that. I needed sleep desperately, so I decided to fall asleep with my mind giving me the pros and cons of this so called Harry.


The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me and jumping on the bed. Only one person would not be afraid of waking me up in the morning. Eleanor.

"Oh my god. Tell me everything. Was he dreamy? Was he mysterious? Adventurous? I need to know Ry, did you guys make out? Tell me!"

I had just woke up and she was already bombarding me with questions I didn't want to answer.

"Go away," I said as I pulled the covers over my head to get rid of the light. I just wanted to sleep. I was already angry at myself enough, I didn't need Eleanor lecturing me how to date guys. I didn't want to go back to reality, where everything had to be so complicated.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the bed onto the floor.

"Stop your sulking and tell me everything. Like, do I need to go give him a piece of my mind?" Eleanor said.

I laughed and thought I would eventually have to tell her or I would not see the light of day tomorrow. I told her everything that happened and she listened. It felt good to get it off my chest.

"Well I think that you should give him another chance. I know you have certain standards, but why don't you just let them go and see how it goes with Harry. You definitely seem like you really like him."

"I set standards for a reason Eleanor, reasons like this. I don't like to get hurt."

"Nobody likes to get hurt, but that's what love is. I think you should give him another chance no matter how mysterious he is."

I groaned as I got up from the floor. Why do guys have to be so complicated? I walked over to my nightstand to pick up my phone and see I have 5 messages from Harry. I didn't feel like dealing with him at the moment, so I went downstairs to get breakfast.

I opened the fridge and no surprise, there wasn't anything edible on any of the shelves. So, after everything that happened yesterday, I decided I needed some fresh air. So I went back upstairs to get changed out of my pjs into something presentable.

"Eleanor I'm going to go out for a walk, do you want to come with me?"

"No I am actually going over to Louis's to talk so I'm going to be gone for awhile," she responded with a not so happy expression. Eleanor deserved better and Louis is just a self conserved dick.

I grabbed the house keys and my purse off the counter and walked out. I had all these thoughts in my head and I had no idea what to do with them nor did I have any kind of idea about how I felt about everything.

Was Harry really worth potentially dating?

If I did, what was this mysterious side of him he refuses to tell me about?

I had all of these questions that I had no idea how to answer.


I walked around in the quieter portion of downtown and looked around to find something to eat. As I turned a corner, I saw a bakery and crossed the street. I went inside and looked at the display of food and boy, did it look good. Doughnuts, muffins, scones, bagels, and who knows what else. It all just looked so delicious. I was probably standing there for a good 10 minutes trying to decide what I should get before I heard a voice over my shoulder.

"The raspberry scones are to die for, I get them every time I come here."

I turned around to see a taller guy with an overgrowing beard and glowing brown eyes. I was shocked at first, I probably looked like an idiot because I was just standing there staring at him.

"I know that I'm handsome but, wouldn't you rather take a picture?" he joked. I could feel my cheeks start to flush with a bright red color. I tried to speak, shaping my mouth, but nothing was coming out.

"Two raspberry scones for me please," he told the guy behind the counter. This incredibly attractive guy walked over to the register and paid for the food. He then walked over to me and handed me a scone. I was still trying to process what was happening and before I knew it I was dragged into a booth with this stranger.

"Before you think I'm some ax murderer let me at least tell you my name. I'm Liam."

I was still blushing but I finally was able to get something out of my mouth, "I'm Ryan, nice to meet you Liam."

He smiled as he took a bite of his scone. I mean I couldn't help but stare, he was just so beautiful. His eyes looked so passionate and don't even get me started on his jaw line. Even though he had a jacket on, I could tell that he definitely had some muscle on his arms. He was eye candy but with added sweetness. Obviously he could tell I was staring at him but he pretended not to notice. There was this silence but it wasn't awkward, it just had a feeling of relaxation.

"Now tell me, who is Ryan and how come I have never met this beautiful person before?"

This guy was on a roll. First with buying my breakfast, and then the sweet remarks. I mean I could already tell he was my dream man in the first 10 minutes of meeting him.

I wasn't really sure if I should tell him about Harry because Harry and I never really made it official or set terms for what we had. So I decided not to tell Liam about Harry yet. That meant that I was actually going to have to call Harry back eventually.

Liam and I talked for a while and he turned out to be even better than I expected. He works at a law firm as an intern but says he is very close to getting an actual job there. After a while we exchanged numbers and I was on my way back home with even more exciting news for Eleanor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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