Chapter 4

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Ryan's Pov:

I walked threw the front door and the first thing I hear is "Ryan Charlotte Kearney where the hell have you been!"

"I told you I was going to the grocery store, you were probably to busy with Louis to even hear me." I mumbled. She was obviously in a bad mood so I decided to not tell her about Harry.

"I'm gonna go take a nap I'm exhausted." I say as I walk up the stairs.

I needed to take a shower, I felt disgusting. I grabbed a towel out of my closet and I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. As soon as the water was warm enough, I got in. I washed my hair with strawberry and lime scented shampoo and conditioner, then shaved my underarms and legs. I got out of the shower then dried off and put my hair in a braid. Since my hair was thick I didn't feel like blow drying it. My hair doesn't frizz (thank God for that) so I don't have to.

I walked into my bedroom, still in my towel and collapsed on the bed making an "omff" sound.

"mmff, this pillow is so soft" I laughed to myself.

I got up and groaned. I walked over to my dresser and rummaged threw some clothes. I grabbed a pair of pajama pants, a sports bra, and changed. Then I laid back onto my bed, with my phone in my hand, and put my headphones in.

My favorite bad is twenty one pilots and The Fratellis so I had a whole playlist dedicated to them. I turned on "House of Gold" and dozed off.


I woke up and the clock read 5:43 pm. I got up and took my headphones out. I blew a piece of my hair out of my face in the process. I slid out of my bed and went up to my dresser. I opened the top drawer and saw that it was cracked.

"Great another thing that needs to be fixed," I thought to myself.

I grabbed a T-shirt and threw it on as I walked down the stairs. The T.V was on and it sounded like the the news was on. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tea kettle. I filled it with water and put it on the stove. I turned the heater on and then opened the cabinet. After that I grabbed two coffee cups and the tea bags. Finally, I walked into the T.V. room and plopped down on the couch.

"How was your nap?"

I looked over and saw Eleanor on her iPad, with what looked like red and swollen eyes, and smiled.

"It was great. I finally feel that hangover going away."

It looked like she was upset and had been crying. I decided to wait to ask her about it. She could grouchy in a matter of seconds if you said the wrong thing. I heard the tea kettle start to whistle and got up from the couch. I poured the water into the cups and put the tea bags in. I grabbed two ice cubes and put them in too.

"Hey Ry, can you make me..." Eleanor started as I handed her a cup of tea. She mouthed thank you to me and I smiled.

"So would you like to tell me what is going on? And don't you dare say its nothing because I can always tell when you are feeling down and you look very upset." I said as I sipped my tea.

"We'll if you really want to know..."
she said.

"Yes I would like to know because I am your best friend. And as your best friend I deserve to know what is going on,"

She sighed and continued "Louis and me are currently in a big fight about something stupid."

As she finished that sentence she started to cry. I went to hug her and she put her head on my shoulder.

"This morning I was watching a T.V. show and Louis asked me to make him lunch, so I did. I made him just a simple turkey sandwich with some some chips. When I brought it to him he flipped out. He yelled at me and said that he hated turkey and that I should have know that." she sniffled and cried a little harder.

"Then I said I wasn't perfect and that I make mistakes sometimes. After that, he said that I wasn't the perfect girlfriend and he stormed out."

She put her head in her hands and she cried more. I rubbed her back and comforted her.

"I've tried calling him but he won't answer. I feel awful." she cried.

"It's not your fault El, he's being a jerk. If he really loves you, he will forgive you."

She looked at me with teary, swollen eyes and smiled. "You always know what to say Ry. I couldn't ask for a better friend."

"So how about we go out to eat, my treat. You need something to get all this, I don't even know what to call it, out of your mind. Lets have a girls night out. Just the two of us!"

We both needed to relax a little and going out to eat might just do the trick.


After we got ready, which consisted of Eleanor deciding to curl her hair, we chose to go to a not to casual/not to fancy restaurant. Right in the middle. I had never been to it before, so I was excited to try something new. We walked in and were seated in a booth. The host gave us two menus and we were ready to eat.

"There are so many things to choose from here! I don't know if I could ever decide!" Eleanor gasped.

"I think I'll get the Mediterranean Chicken, that sounds good," I said.

"That's to simple! You gotta be more adventurous with your choices!" Like I said, Eleanor can be a wild one.

"I'm gonna stick with chicken. I like my chicken,"I laughed.

"Fine then, be boring."

We waited a while and finally the waitress came to take our orders.

"So miss, what would you like?" she asked.

"Could I have the Mediterranean chicken, please," I replied.

"And you, miss"

"I'll have the Cajun Pasta please," Eleanor said, thrilled.

Once the waitress left, Eleanor and I started to talk again. I decided to bring up Harry. She was asking so many questions, I couldn't handle it.

"So is he cute? Is he nice? Wait he has to be toned, is he toned? Tell me!" Eleanor questioned me.

"Eleanor calm down! It's just a guy. Its not like I have never dated another guy! But, yea he is pretty cute and nice and toned," I smirked.

"Cmon I need the deats my friend! Okay are you hungry I'm starved. No wait I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." Eleanor quickly rushed to the bathroom.

That girl talked way to fast with way to many questions. When she got back, our food arrived. We ate quickly and left. Thank god she stopped asking questions. I though I was on a game show during the rapid fire part.

When we got back to the house, it was around 10:30. We were both exhausted and went straight to bed.

I headed into to my room and got into a tank top and sweats, and put my phone in the charger. I plopped onto my bed, making the "umf" sound it always does, and went to sleep.

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