Chapter 3

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Ryan's Pov:

"Ryan...Ryan," I head someone whisper.

"Ryan cmon wake up." It was Harry.

I groaned and got up. I looked up and saw we were at my house. I went to open the door but it was locked.

"Hey Harry, can you....." I looked over and he wasnt there. I looked out the window and he opened my door. I climbed out but then tripped onto the grass. I was such an idiot. I could hear Harry laughing at me.

"I think you might need a little help there," Harry chuckled.

"Oh shut up, I'm fine," I tried to get up but tripped again. This time Harry caught me. I started to get up and brush myself off. I also took my heels off. My feet were hurting like hell. Harry helped me to the door as I took my keys out of my purse. I opened the door and realized that Eleanor wasnt back. I would have the house to myself. I thanked Harry and walked in. I was about to invite him in but then he said

"I gotta go, my friends are expecting me back soon. It was nice meeting you. See you around?"

"Yeah I will see you around." I smiled.

I walked into the TV room and crashed onto the couch.


I woke up and the sun was blinding me. "Argh" I grunted as I sat up. I walked into the kitchen and heard someone snoring. I looked to see Eleanor on the floor, still in her clothes from last night. This girl could literally sleep anywhere. Sometimes I wondered what went through her mind. Thank God Louis wasn't there. I already had a major headache from my hangover. I didn't need his obnoxious attitude to deal with.

I got some water and headed back to the living room. Then I realized I forgot the Advil. I stumbled up the stairs and turned to go into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet to find no Advil. "Damn it. I dont think this day could get any worse!" I jinxed that.

The doorbell rang and my head was pounding. I went down the stairs and whoever it was, was continually hitting the bell. I opened the door, forgetting that I just woke up, to find Louis. Torture, it was pure torture.

"Where is my little munchkin?" Louis cooed at me.

"Shut up, I'm not a two year old." And with that he shoved past me and went into the kitchen. At some points that boy could be so rude.

By that time Eleanor had woken up and started talking with Louis. I went upstairs to change because I did not want to be in the house with them.

"Ry, where are you going?" Eleanor asked.

"I'm just going to the store, I'll be back later." I say as I close the door.


I got to the grocery store and went to the medicine isle to find the Advil. It was on the top shelf. Being the short girl I am, I couldn't reach it.

"Here let me help you," a deep sincere voice says.

I turn around to find that curly haired boy again. I kept running into him. He had a grocery cart and there was a little girl with him.

"Hello....Harry is it?" I said with hint of question.

He smirked and the little girl started to giggle.

"And who is this little princess?" I laughed as I walked over to her.

"This is Lux, I am here babysitter for the moment," he said calmly.

She giggled at the sound if her name. She was so adorable. I can't believe she got stuck with and idiot (as in a good idiot, if that makes sense..) like Harry. She kept making baby noises while me and Harry were talking.

"Well thank you for helping me, I am going to go pay now.." I said

"Wait! I was wondering are you free tomorow?" Harry asked.

"Yes...why would it matter?" I replied.

"I was wondering if you would like to have lunch tomorrow. It would be just as friends, yeah just as friends" he muttered.

"Would Lux be there?" I joked.

"No sadly she will not be attending with us, that is if you say yes," Harry smiled.

"Well, since Lux isn't going to be there, than I won't go." I tried to say with a straight face.

His face was priceless. He looked like a kid who just dropped his ice cream cone on the ground.

"I'm kidding! Yes Harry I will go to lunch with you. Where would we go?" I laughed.

"It's a suprise, but no where fancy. Since I already know where you live, I will pick you up." He said cheekily.

"Stalker much?" I joked.

We said our good byes. He even made Lux say good bye. She was adorable, I just wanted to squeeze her cheeks. I went to go pay for my medicine and then headed home. I couldn't believe what had just happened. What worried me was what Eleanor would think of this.

Somewhere Only We Know (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now