Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning smiling. Today I was going to lunch with Harry.

I walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes and immediately started to smile.

"Oh my god! Your making pancakes! I loooove pancakes!" I shouted excitedly.

"I know how much you love pancakes Ryan!" Eleanor laughed.

I started to dance around the room and was making a complete fool of myself. Finally Eleanor finished the pancakes and served herself two and I gave myself three. I can be such a pig at times. But I make no exceptions for pancakes.

"Ry, slow down! How many pancakes have you had?" Eleanor asked.

"Um only like 5.......maybe 8" I replied sheepishly.

"Okay I think you have had enough pancakes for one day," Eleanor laughed.

I helped Eleanor clean up the kitchen. That meant washing off the counters covered in batter, the cooking pots, and all this other stuff. Did I mention that Eleanor was a messy chef? It took us a good hour to clean it.

We went upstairs to get ready for our day. She had to help me pick out my outfit because....well like I said she has the best taste in fashion.

"Okay anything in my closet and dresser is fine. Pick anything." I told her.

"God we really need to go shopping!!" she laughed.

She went through my closet and was throwing things everywhere. There were two piles, yes and no. She would take something out of the closet and say yes or no and it would go in that pile. So the no pile was pretty big while the yes was a lot smaller.

I went over to the yes pile and found a black crop top that had a zipper down the middle and a white skater skirt.

"How about these two?" I asked Eleanor.

"It's perfect! Wait I have something to make it even better!" She looked so excited when she replied.

She ran into the hallway and I heard her bedroom doom open. Then 5 minutes later she came back in with a blue jean jacket. It was perfect. Now all I needed were shoes. I am not as obsessed with shoes as Eleanor is so I definitely don't have as many as her. But I do have some pretty cute shoes if I do say so myself.

I decided on these really cute gold sandals. After that it was time for my hair and make up. My hair is curly so I decided to just leave it at that. I put minimal make up on, just some foundation and mascara. I couldn't decide whether or not to put lip gloss on so I just stuck it in my purse with my wallet and phone.


Harry was supposed to pick me up around 1:30 and it was 1:35 and he still wasn't here.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Eleanor asked with a big smile. I could tell she definitely wanted to meet him. We walked to the car and kept asking me about him. It's not like I had known him all my life, I have only known him for about 2 days. We just keep bumping into each other.

"He is picking me up," I said. Eleanor pouted.

"I wanted to take you though!" Eleanor whined.

"You can next time. At least you get to meet him."

We walked back inside and sat on the couch. Eleanor questioned me while I waited. Finally the door bell rang. I sprang up from my seat and walked to the door. I opened it and it was Harry.

"Hey cmon in," I said.

He walked in and I smiled. I looked over at Eleanor and she had a blanco expression on her face. She was looking at Harry and looked odd.

"Harry this is Eleanor my best friend and roommate," I said. Harry also had a blank expression on his face. Why were they acting so weird? Was something going on that I didn't know about?

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Eleanor asked.

" I don't think so," Harry replied quickly. Eleanor was making weird faces at me and I decided that was enough of Eleanor and Harry.

"Harry, you still haven't told me where we are going" I said trying to get him put of his trance.

"No I told you it was a surprise, but we better get going," he replied.

I say bye to Eleanor and Harry and I walk out to the car. I was about to open the car door when Harry reaches to the handle and pull the door open.

"A girl should never have to open the door herself," Harry said.

I smiled and sat down on the seat and he closed the door. He walked to the driver's side and gets in the car. I reached in my purse to turn my phone off so I don't have any distraction. Cough cough Eleanor. She would try and text me every five minutes to get updated on what was happening and I didn't need that. My attention was on Harry.

Harry had started the car and his phone buzzed. He looked at it and his face went from happy to shocked.

"Harry what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Oh it's nothing, just friends being idiots and they got themselves in trouble," he responded.

"You sure your okay? Do we need to help them?" I asked.

"No it's fine, just stop asking questions," he said sternly.

That got me to shut up. Here I thought he was kind and a softie but he is started to scare me a little. He backed out of the spot and started to drive off. It was a really quiet drive, but after a while he turned on the radio.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked.

"Like I said, you will have to wait and see," he smiled at me.

The rest of the way it was just the radio to keep away the awkward silence.

Somewhere Only We Know (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang