Idiots, Haircuts, and Movies

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"Luke." Reggie said. "You need a haircut." He was sitting backwards in a chair off to the side of the couch in the garage. "What do you mean I need a haircut?" Luke asked his boyfriend looking slightly offended. He was laid back, hanging off the arm of the couch.

"I don't know. I mean it's kinda starting to look like a mullet. And after the 90's it looks funny," Reggie chuckled.

(AN- Ok... I wasn't alive in the 90's so let's just pretend that mullets were kinda hated, ok? Ok.)

"Ok... One, rude. Two, ghosts can't exactly go to the barber."

"Ehh, good point. I wonder if Alex would do it?" Reggie mumbled. Picked up their bandmate's drumsticks and began twirling them in his hands.

"Anyways, what do you want to do today? I'm bored and Julie has yet to get me another journal," Luke said tossing his already filled journal onto the table.

"We could go hang out with Ray?" Reggie suggested. "Orrrr," Luke said dragging out the 'R'. "We could do something we haven't done since the 90s!" He was now sitting up and facing Reggie.


"Sneak into a movie!"

"But what if we get caught?"

"Reg... we're ghosts"

"Oh yeah!"

Alright... I'm back... ish.. anyhow, I still have no inspiration, but im slowly becoming obsessed with JATP again so I will try to update... but I CANNOT promise anything.. most of the time I forget I even have this app😂. And.. OMG THE ART (at top) IS A NEW ONE I FOUND AND IS SO CUTE

Ok, peace yall.

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