How Did I Get So Lucky? Part 2

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Luke POV

Ok.. things got weird..

After several years of being back to life, Reg, Alex, and I thought we would age normally... well spoiler alert. We didn't.

Emily and Alec are in 8th grade and highschool now and when Reggie and I are in public with them, we have to say we're friends.

Emily found a boyfriend his name is Jace. He's a good kid. Alec on the other hand, a junior, had found himself a boyfriend named Magnus. They're so cute!

(AN- so I ended up using the name Alec earlier and was like oooh its like Alex but the watched Shadowhunters and now have kinda decided to roll with it)

Oh and did I forget to mention, Alex and Willie got married! It was beautiful. Alex wore an all white tux while Willie wore the traditional black & white.

And they have a kid now! Their name is Morgan. They're adorable, 14, but hey, 14 year olds can still be adorable. They adopted them about a year ago.

The kids are out with Aunts Julie, Flynn, and Carrie shopping, so that means date night!

I'm supposed to meet Reg at the pier in 15 minutes!

I get in the car, which I now have to drive, and left Julie's garage.

When I show up I see the cutest man alive. He was sitting on the edge dangling his feet just above the water with a pizza box sitting behind him.

"Hey," he says quietly. I sit down beside him, pulling the box into my lap.

I lean over to kiss him, and he happily obliges. But I can tell somethings bothering him.

"What's up Reg?" I asked. I put my arm around him. "You seem...sad"

"Well... I want to tell you something. And I don't want you to be mad," he said slowly taking the pizza box out of my hands.

"What is it," I was starting to get scared.
"Have you been home yet?" He asked. "No?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Ok then, well... let's go home" he said standing up. He walked over to the car and got in the passenger seat. I guess walked here.

I grabbed the long forgotten pizza box and walked to the driver's side.

The drive there was silent, but we finally made it home.

I was fixing to open my door but then Reggie grabbed my arm. "Don't be mad. Ok?" He said. We got out of the car and made out was to the front door.

As I was about to open the door he pulled me into a sweet kiss. I hugged him close and slowly pulled away.

I opened the door and what I say made my jaw drop...

To be continued...

Nah, I'm not that mean:

Puppies.... my husband brought home 3 puppies.

"Reggie," I said nonchalantly. "Why would I be mad about puppies?"

"Oh.. I actually don't know. I think I just remembered something about you saying 'Hey, don't bring strange animals home' at some point," he said. Which was probably true.

"Reg. Strange animal means something like a lizard... or that penguin you found outside of the zoo that one time.. not.. puppies."

I bent down and picked one up. Its name was now officially mousy. It had a cute little button nose and pearly white fur with small black spots.

"Ok good! Because look how cute they are!!!" He said excitedly. He laid down on the floor and mousy jumped out of my armes and onto him. All three were like little jumping beans!

So thats how Reggie and I, Alex and Willie, and Julie, all got a puppy.

Ok guys, hopefully I can run with this idea for a while so.. name the other 2 puppies for me! And I dont know what breed I want them to be but heres color descriptions.

~Puppy 2: description- dark brown with black spots

~Puppy 3: description- blond with light brown

Oh and guys, I do not personally know anyone that is non-binary, but I really wanted to add that element to my story. So if I need pointers, feel free to comment or message me please.


What about Ruke?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat