Boys and Chapstick

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"Heeey Julie?" Reggie asked as he slowly opened her door.

She was sitting on her bed on her phone."Whats up Reg?" She asked.

"Would you do my makeup?" He asked. "I know it's weird, and you don't have to do it, but-" he rambled but was cut off by her.

"Of course I'll do it Reggie. I did Alex's the other day. He looks great in purple eyeshadow by the way," She said as she walked to her vanity.

He smiled and sat on the end of her bed. She opened her pallet and asked, "How do you want it done?"

"Maybe just like chapstick and eyeliner?" He asked shyly.

She finished with the eyeliner and was about to move onto lips.

"Hey, Jules, have you seen Reg-" Luke cut himself off as he walked into the room and seen Reggie.

He cleared his throat and looked nervous.

Julie heald up 2 different chapstick for Reggie to chose from. "Cherry or strawberry?"

"Cherry," he said. As she put it on him, Luke moved to sit beside him. She finished and sat back in her chair admiring her work. "Looks good!"

"Hey Reg? Can I use some of that chapstick?" Luke asked. Julie handed the tube out to him with a hum.

All of a sudden Luke pressed forward and kissed Reggie. As he pulled back and left a stunned Reggie, he smacked his lips and made a show of rubbing them together.

"Thanks Reg!" Luke said as he left the room.

"Uhhh... No p-problem!" He stuttered out.

"Well then... Im gonna go make me a sandwich.. and totally not gossip with Alex... tooootally not" Julie said as she scurried out of her door.

Reggie slightly nodded and, still in shock, fell back onto her bed with a small smile gracing his lips.

And needless to say, Alex knew everything within the next 4 minutes... wonder how that happened?

Inspired by, yet another Tumblr post

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