Someone Had To...

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This one is inspired by a Tumblr post I seen a while back

Alex POV

I walked into the garage and could smell the sexual tension. "God, I wish they'd get it over with already. Its been, what, 20 something years?" I mumbled.

Luke was showing off a new outfit that Julie bought for him because he said he was tired of wearing the same 12 shirts.

"Hey Luke! Those clothes look good on you," I said.. I had a plan.

"Thanks?" He said questioningly. I guess I dont compliment him often.

"You know where they'd look better?" I asked moving to sit on the couch. "On Reggie's floor."

"Did you just-... hit on Luke for me?" Reggie asked.

"Well someone had to Reginald, and its not like you were going to man up and do so," I said.

"Hey, Reg, can I talk to you for a minute?" Luke looked nervous as he asked this. As Reggie answered with a quiet 'sure' he looked equally as uneasy.

They quickly walked out of the garage to go have their little chat... I wish they would just kiss already.

I sat down next to Willie. "I think you had something to do with that," he said pointing at the door. "Well I would hope so!"

"Who knew it was so difficult to get your bestfriend to date your ex-boyfriend/other bestfriend."

"Woah, woah, woah, ex-boyfriend?" Willie asked me. Dangit... why couldn't I keep my mouth shut.

"Yeah, Luke and I dated in the 90s. It was good, healthy, but we decided to be friends instead. It was easier to do the band that way."

"Oh ok, I'm not mad by the way, I was just a little confused," he chuckled.

I put a finger under his chin and pulled him into a kiss.

We heard Reggie and Luke stumble through the door. Faces joined and heading for the couch. Willie and I laughed and they abruptly separated. "We.. uh.. didn't know you guys were still here..." Reggie said.

"Oh don't worry. We're leaving.. Have fun!" I called as I dragged Willie off the couch and out the door.


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