Amusement Park

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The Next Day

They all went to the Amusement Park just like what they planned last night. It was bigger than the other Amusement Parks and they might enjoy their time here but there are so many people since it's a Sunday and they have to stick together or else they will be separated. They left their guards in front of the Amusement Park, At the gate to be precise.

" Now then, What ride do you want? " Lucy said looking at Every ride. It is pretty obvious that she wanted to ride all of it.
" R-Ride? I'll pass " Natsu said with a sick look while scanning at the rides
" Eh??? Then why did you come here? If you don't ride something then what you came here for is worthless " Lucy said trying to change Natsu's mind.
" No way ! I'll never ride on it " Natsu said. It looks like nothing can make him change his mind and besides he has a motion sickness.
" I won't ride as well. " Gajeel said and took a step backward.
" Seriously guys? Geez, You are just a kill joy " Lucy said.
" Sorry Lu-chan. It seems like these two have motion sickness and can't handle rides " Levy said trying to defend the two
" I know that but --- I wanted to ride something with all of you " Lucy said and looked down.
" Geez, These guys are helpless " Gray said and putted his hands on his pockets and looked at the two of them with a pitiful look.
Natsu was pissed so was Gajeel " Hey! Are you making fun of me? " Natsu said and walked closer to Gray with an angry and scary look.
" Oh no! Like hell I'll do that " Gray said with sarcasm.
" You!!! " Natsu said and he was about to hit Gray when " Stop it! What are the two of you doing? Can't you see we are on an Amusement Park and here you are trying to make a riot? " Erza said looking at the two with a monstrous look.
" S-Sorry " The two said in unison and they calmed down.
" Let's ride something? " Levy said to Lucy.
" Yeah but ---- " Lucy said and looked at Gajeel and Natsu.
Levy noticed it and smiled " Hey The two of you! Why don't ride just one ride and you can do what you want here in the Amusement Park "
" No way! I can't do what I want when I feel sick. So I'll pass " Natsu said
" Same here " Gajeel said
" Geez, Fine. Then it will just be the four of us " Lucy said with a sad tone.
Natsu seemed to Notice that Lucy was sad. So, He walked closer to her and putted his hand on her head " Sorry, I can't handle rides. " Natsu said and Lucy blushed " I-It's okay. i understand "
" Now then, what will the two of you do? " Gray asked
" I'll just eat and play games " Natsu said and grinned
" I dunno " Gajeel said and looked at Levy " Want me to accompany you? Shrimp. But no rides okay? "
" Don't call me Shrimp! And fine, You can accompany me " Levy said. It looks like she was pissed but she appreciated Gajeel's offer.
" then Let's ride " Lucy said and ran to fall in line. She totally blend into the crowd
" Hey Wait! " Natsu said and ran after Lucy
" Wait " Gray said and started blending in to the crowd. Erza started running after Gray ran.
" Let's follow them " Levy said to Gajeel and started running.
" Yeah " Gajeel followed Levy. There's a crowd that makes them harder to run and see each other.
" Hey Lucy! Where are you!? " Natsu shouted he was stuck at the middle of the crowd and he eventually stopped running to look for Lucy.

Gray was walking and he was trying to look for Natsu and Lucy since he lost them " Hey Guys! " Gray said and he kept on walking faster when someone grabbed his clothes at the back that caused him to stop " Wha--- ?!?! " Before he could finish someone who's running fast ran in front of him that was bumping all of the people that's on his way. He was almost one of the people who that guy bump but someone stopped him from behind. He owe the guy,who stopped him walking, one. He can still feel the person's grip on his clothes so he looked behind him and saw a scarlet-haired girl holding his clothes at the back. " Erza? " Gray said and blushed a little.
" You should be aware of your surroundings " Erza said and released her grip on Gray's clothes.
" Y-Yeah. Sorry " Gray said and faced Erza " What are we going to do? We are already separated from the others. " Gray asked Erza and she looked at him and sighed. She grabbed her phone from her black and expensive shoulder bag. She opened her phone " No signal " She sighed and placed her cellphone back on her bag.
" No way! What are we going to do now? " Gray said and scratched his head
"We can be with them later. Lucy said that we are going home at 10 PM so we can meet them at the car. Lucy also said that if we got separated then we should enjoy ourselves than wasting our time looking for them because it is impossible to find each other on such a big and crowded place " Erza said and sighed
" Ah right, She did say that and we all agreed. We can meet each other at 10 huh? " Gray said
" Yeah so just have fun " Erza said and started walking. " H-Hey! Where are you going? " Gray said watching Erza walk.
" I'm going to eat some cake " Erza said. " Geez, I'm coming with you! I can't enjoy the amusement park alone! " Gray said and ran closer to Erza.
" Sure " Erza said and smiled at him and Gray walked beside her and smiled back "

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