Class Play - Planning

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They all went inside their rooms but Gray kept on thinking about something. He was so confused about his actions earlier so he went out of his room to get some fresh air and went to the rooftop of the hotel. It was 2 am at that time. ' Why am I acting like that? It's not me. It's so silly ' Gray thought and sighed. He stared at the dark yet wonderful sky. 

" Erza ... It may be your fault " Gray said while staring

" Gray? " Someone with a girl's voice called his name with a shocked tone

Gray turned his head " What do you—-?!?!" Gray stopped and his eyes widened because he saw Scarlet haired girl looking at him with a surprised look and she was sitting on a chair with a laptop on her lap and with earphone placed on her ear. " ERZA!!! " gray said in a high tone.

" Wh-what are you doing here? It's already late " Erza said and removed her earphones.

" Same goes for you!!! " Gray said he was startled and nervous because he thought that Erza heard what he said. " Did you just hear what I said? " Gray asked

" I was suppose to ask you that question " Erza said 

" So you didn't? I didn't hear you by the way " Gray said and he stood up.

" I didn't " Erza said and let go of a deep sigh 

" Why? Is it something so important? " Gray asked and approached her

" Well, I still don't know how to tell it to you guys but I'm going back tomorrow or I mean later at 8 am " Erza said 

" What?!!?!?! Why?!?! " Gray said and his world almost paused for a moment. He was so sad. His heart and mind kept on screaming " No, No Don't please "

" We still need to get ready for the upcoming event after this vacation and they really wanted me to go back " Erza said

" I-I see .... " Gray said and his fist clenched .

" D-Don't you want to go back to your room? " Gray asked and he's a little sleepy to deal with his emotions.

" I'm okay, You should sleep Gray. " Erza said and typed on her laptop.

" I can't just do that and leave you alone here " Gray insisted

Erza laughed a little " I'll be leaving you later and now you don't want to leave me. It's going to be unfair on my part. Go now, I'm okay here " 

' Damn, I don't want to leave her this is the only chance I can be with her again since she'll be leaving ' Gray said to himself and Gray's eyes widened ' Just what the hell am I thinking? This is so not me. I'll leave her. I will ' Gray sighed " Damn Right! I'll be leaving then, " Gray said and walked away.

" Good Night " Erza said but she did not look at Gray since she was typing.

Gray froze for a moment there. That sweet voice of hers. Saying good night to him. He was a little guilty about his actions about leaving her but he already made up his mind " Yeah " He said coldly and left.

Later, Gray woke up. He sat on his bed and stretched. " I'm still sleepy " He said and he wondered what time it is so he looked for his wristwatch. He found it and grabbed it " 7:45 .. okay " Gray said and it's like he's still half a sleep but then " Erza will leave at 8!!! " He realized that and he jumped out of the bed and grabbed his shirt. He was wearing his boxers and grabbed his shirt that was resting on a chair as he dashed out of his room and went to the first floor. There, he saw Erza apologizing to everyone and there's a car waiting for her outside.  

" It's okay Erza but promise us that we will go somewhere next time " Lucy said 

" Yeah, I promise " Erza said and Everyone hugged her.

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