The pack up (Dramaticcc)

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(The next day. Sorry for time skip-)

Alex: Squad listen up, Tomorrow we are going on a vacation to Florida!!! So get packed. Also the person who your roommates with you will be bunked with them and sit with them on the plane! Start packing so no vid today.

Y/N POV: hmmn what to pack.... It is winter time so why not winter stuff! Ima ask Luca if he wants to wear matching stuff one day!

Y/N: Marshmallow er I mean Luca, wanna wear matching outfits one day?

Luca: Oh sure!

Y/N: Oki!! Ima get food. Want anything?

Luca: Maybe an apple

Y/N: Okiii!!

Luca's POV: I don't feel so good... I'll just lay in bed for a bit...

*Luca passes out*

*Y/N comes back*

Y/N: I'm bac- LUCA!? *You drop the food as you stared in shock. You run over to check on him*

Y/N mind: He looks pale... I think he passed out...

*You pick up Luca and put him in bed*

Y/N: Luca please wake up... If you die.... I don't want you to leave me yet... bestie wake up.....

*Hugs Luca tightly*

Y/N: I'll let him rest...

*2 hours later Luca wakes up*

Luca: W-what happened...

*You turn around, run, and hug Luca as tight as you can. Tears roll down your face*

Y/N: Bestie.... I thought you left me...

Luca: Y/N I would never leave you...

*Luca hugs you back and starts crying*

Authors note:

The reason why I ended this right here was bc I got very emotional and started crying- I'm fine though. I'll start making part 5 right now!

He is my star to my sky (A luca x Female reader story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora