The first date nightmare... (Dramaticc and might be cringe-)

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(The next week)

Y/N: So Luca... When do you want to have are first date?

*Luca starts blushing*

Luca: I- Uhh I don't know...

Y/N: Can we have it on Wednesday?

Luca: Uhhh.. S-sure. Sorry I'm just new to this dating thing..

Y/N: *Laughs a little* It's finee.

Luca: Maybe on Wednesday we can go roller skating! Wait... Do you know how to roller skate?

Y/N: Uhhh Yeah! (Lie)

Luca: Ok!

Y/N: I just noticed tomorrow is Wednesday-

Luca: Uhhh.....

*Both of you guys laugh*

Luca: It's fine.

Y/N: Well I'm going to bed it already 12 A.M.

Luca: Ok same.

*Luca kisses you on the forehead*

Luca: Love you.

Y/N: Love you too!

(Luca's POV The next day trying to find what to wear)

After the squad finished recording for the day.. I decided to get ready for the very first date! It was kinda hard actually... I didn't know what to wear because I haven't dated anyone... I just tried to find a perfect out.. So I decided to  wear my white shirt with a gray ish jacket. I wore jeans and some NIKE shoes (I'm so basic-)

(Y/N POV girl version *boy version underneath*)

So after the squad video I had to go on my very first date with Luca! It was very hard trying to find an outfit actually heheheh.. I decided to wear a cute crop-top and a white skirt. I wore white mary-janes and just incase I was cold I brought Luca's sweater!

(Y/N POV boy version)

I decided to wear a cute teal shirt and jeans I brought random shoes I found of mines and took Luca's jacket just in case I was cold

(At the roller skating place)

Y/N: Uhh Luca... I'm kinda scared... I haven't went roller skating in a long time

Luca: Dont worry. You'll be fine! I'll hold your hand for a few minutes and then you can try again!

Y/N: O-ok...

*He holds your hand as you enter the skating area, You got the hang of it so you told him to let go. That was your biggest regret you've ever made...*

Y/N: I think I'm ready..

Luca: You sure?

Y/N: Yup!

Luca: Ok! *Let's go of hand)



*You look at Luca and...*


*You hitted the wall hard enough that you broke your leg... Luca calls 911 and the ambulance came. Luca sat by you the whole time*

Luca: I'm so sorry... I was the one who chose to go roller skating... I was so stupid...

Y/N: Luca.. Look at me...

*He looks at you sadly*

Y/N: It wasn't your fault... It was mines. I wasn't looking where I was going... I guess I wasn't ready..

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