Going home/ the announcement

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*One day later*

(Groupchat with all the squad members Luca's POV)

Luca: Guys I have an announcement...

Cutie(Y/N): Mhm? Ohhh wait that news!

Luca: Yup! I'm announcing it!

Are leader (Alex): what news?

All: Yeah...

Luca: Well you see....

Luca and Y/N: WE ARE DATING!!

All: We are so happy for you!

Big bro! (Levi): My brother has a girlfriend~

Jerk #1 (Zach): The bald boy is still single

Cutie (Y/N): Oh shut up Zach! He will find someone eventually!

Big bro! (Levi): Thanks Y/N

Cutie (Y/N): No problem!

Jerk #1 (Zach): So you finally stopped being a crybaby eh?

Cutie (Y/N): It's not that I was a crybaby it was just that I cared

Are leader (Alex): Stop fighting you two! Anyways... We have to pack up we have to go back home tomorrow.

All: Ok

(Out of Groupchat)

Y/N: Lukie,Can we wear are matching outfits tomorrow?

Luca: Sure!

Y/N: Yay!! Thanks!!

Luca: No problem hun! Want me to get you something to eat?

Y/N: No I'm good Lukie, But thanks for asking!

Luca: But you haven't ate all day! You must be starting!

Y/N: I'm fine hun! I promise!

Luca: No I can't let you starve...

Y/N: Fine... but can I have something small?

Luca: Fine, but tomorrow you are eating. What do you want to eat hun?

Y/N: Maybe just carrots.

Luca: Ok hun.

*ten mins later*

Luca: I'm back hun!

Y/N: Oki!

*After eating and packing*

Luca: So... what do you want to do?

Y/N: Wanna play roblox?

Luca: Oh sure! What game?

Y/N: Wanna play piggy. You need to get more better. I got you first and it wasn't even 5 mins

Luca: I just started piggy that day-. I guess I do need practice so why not!

*Both goes in game*

Luca: I'm the piggy-

Y/N: Nuuu!! You can kill me first

Luca: What? Of course not!

*You go close to the piggy and get killed*

Luca: Noooooo hun!

Y/N: You needed you first kill so.... why not kill me!

Luca: I won't! (Cringe warning) I will only give you love

*You start blushing*

Luca: Well I'm going to bed we have a flight at 3 in the morning.

Y/N: Why? Its only 6 P.M.

Luca: Are flight is very early so we need the rest. Besides the rest of the squad is asleep.

Y/N: Ok I'll stay up a bit longer.

Luca: Ok.. just get rest ok?

Y/N: Ok!

(At 1 A.M.)

I guess I'll go to bed now.. I'm pretty tired.

*Goes in bed right when you are under the blanket the alarm clock goes off*

Y/N mind: I didn't even get to sleepppp

Luca: Good morning Y/N! Did you get any rest?

Y/N: Yeah.. Totally! (Lie)

Luca: Ok let's get ready!

Y/N: Ok.

*On the plane*

Y/N: *Yawns*

Luca: Hun did you get any sleep? You look very exhausted..

Y/N: No... I didn't get sleep... I'll be fine though don't worry!

*As soon as you said that you fall asleep on his shoulder*

Luca's mind: Aww she/he was tired... I guess you learned you lesson. For staying up playing piggy *Laughs a little*. Well there is another 4 hours till we get back to Texas. I'll just go to bed.

*Luca lays his head on your head and falls asleep*

(At Texas)

Y/N: That was a great flight!

Levi: Because you slept and your boyfriend slept with you.

Y/N: Wait he what?!

Luca: Well uhh I was tired and it was early.. So.. I fell asleep I'm sorry..

Y/N: No need for apologies!

Authors note:

Heyyy guys I am going to make part 9 right now I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

He is my star to my sky (A luca x Female reader story)Where stories live. Discover now