Vacation time!!

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(The next day btw the squad is om the plane)

Y/N: You sure your ok Luca. I'm worried.... You look weak...

Luca: I'll be fine. Trust me!

Y/N: O-ok...

*Luca leans close to you and falls asleep on your shoulder*

Y/N mind: awww he might of been to weak. I knew it

*You fall asleep until the plane lands, Charli took a photo of you guys and set it to your group chat*

*After the plane lands*

Charli: So~ How was the flight you two?

Luca: All I remember was just the plane taking off... DID I PASS OUT AGAIN??

Y/N:No you didn't you were to weak to stay awake. So you fell asleep. I fell asleep myself helping you last night

Luca:Makes sense.

Authors note: I will make part two of chapter 4 tomorrow. It is really late and I should be in bed. Good night guys!!

He is my star to my sky (A luca x Female reader story)Where stories live. Discover now