The Woods

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Putting his bow aside, he takes his water bottle and gulps some water when he watches a taller guy is about to shoot his arrow towards the targeted apple that they've put on the target.

Zupp! The arrow hits right in the middle of the apple.

"Perfect." Patrick said and clapped his hands.

"Thank you, young master." The taller guy put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed.

"Oscar, I told you just to call me Patrick when we're alone. This is not the first time I remind you." Patrick takes his bow and walks to stand next to Oscar.

"I'm sorry, I will." Oscar said while watched Patrick who was drawing a bow and targeting at the same apple Oscar shot.

"I bet you to make a Robin Hood once again for me, can I?" Oscar asked with a smirk that Patrick didn't see.

Robin Hood shot, a lagendary shoot that rarely happens among the archers. But Patrick, Oscar been tought him since he was a kid and Patrick used to do it three times before.

"Huh, we'll see." Patrick smirked back but not showing it to his butler.

Patrick released the bow and the arrow hits the apple, but unfortunately he didn't make the Robin Hood shot.

"Hmm, maybe next time. Let's go back, it's getting dark." Patrick walks away to leave while Oscar is packing their stuff and try to catch up behind the prince's tail.

This is what Patrick usually does when he has free time in the afternoon. Go outside the castle and do whatever he likes. He got no friend unless his caring butler, Oscar. Even that Oscar is five years older than him, he wants Oscar to act like his age when they are alone.



They both stopped their steps and turn to look at each other. Patrick runs back to stand right beside his trusted butler.

"That doesn't sound like a wolf, don't you think?" Patrick asks and brought his shoulder closer to Oscar.

"Yeah, it sounds rougher and deeper. Don't worry Patrick, let's walk faster. Wants to hold my hand?" Oscar said calmly and offered his hand to Patrick.

Patrick grabs Oscar's hand and runs without looking back.


Oscar is lighting the scented candle on the table beside Patrick's bed as he usually does every night before Patrick sleep. Patrick on the bed suddenly stops Oscar before he was about to left.

"Anything Patrick?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about the strange voice we heard this afternoon. Can you tell me a bedtime story to make me forget about it?"

Oscar nods and sits on a chair beside Patrick's bed.

"So, I heard this story when I was younger. It's about a mystery monster inside the forest we went this evening. I guess it's the same creature who owned that harsh voice."

"Oscar! I thought I said I want to forget about it! Don't you have any other story?"

"Um, sorry. I can't think of any. I can't stop thinking about it too."

"Really? Hmmm I suddenly want to hear your story. But you need to stay here tonight, okay?"

"Alright. Okay so, there was a big mysterious lonely creature that live in that forest. The villagers said, someone but sometimes will be two person that will disappear on every full moon and they suspected that the mysterious creature took and eat the missing person. It never reveals itself and no one has ever seen it. And yes, of course some of the villagers wants to find and see it face so badly, but whoever stays in the forest for a night, will never come out ever again.."

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