Save Me..

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"This handkerchief is Oscar's. The flower pattern here is similar to the carving on the bookshelf in the room I slept. Not only there, it's even carved on your necklace." He took a deep breath before he continue.

"I'm the only one who knows that Oscar is a wizard. He never told me, but I caught him making spells. Oscar is Strong isn't it? And the prince, is it me?"

Keyu looked down, keeping his anger. Patrick keep waiting for him to speak but he doesn't say anything.

"Hey, you can tell me anything remember? You're not alone, I'm right here. May I know the truth, Keyu, are you really a werewolf?"

"I AM NOT!" Keyu lift his head and look sharply inside Patrick's eyes.

"I SAID STOP TALKING NONSENSE, DON'T YOU HEAR ME?" Keyu walk towards Patrick step by step as he slowly changing form.

Patrick stared at Keyu in fear as his eyes turns into light blue with red veins and his fangs started to came out from his mouth as he growls. He bend down and his hands changed into paws with sharp claws. His body changed from the tall guy Keyu into the big wolf Keykey.

Patrick keep stepping back until his body stick to the wall while Keyu is now crouched towards him and that makes the prince close his eyes and covered his face using his arms.

"Aargh.." Patrick let out a little whine.

He can feel that his arms got scratches from the wolf. He try not to make any noises since he know, Keyu is still mad at him. He try to held back the pain but there's one thing he couldn't hold on, it is his tears.

As the tears fall on his cheek, Keyu seems froze all over his body. Patrick slowly opens his eyes because he didn't hear the growls anymore. He can see that Keyu has now changed into his human forms again while looking at him worriedly.

Patrick couldn't hold it anymore. He started to sobbing. He cried even harder when Keyu hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Paipai. I'm so sorry!" Keyu keep apologizing at him.

"Keyu, ... " Patrick tighten the hug.

"It's hurt.. It really really hurts.. " Patrick keep sobbing.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." Keyu runs to take cottons and bandage then went back.

He takes Patrick's hand and clean the wounds gently.

"Is it deep?" Keyu asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I've never got scratches before." Keyu was stunned to hear his answer.


"Mmph, Oscar never let me play alone or hold sharp things without his permission, that's why I've never got scars. This is my first time and I never know it would be this hurt."

"I'm sorry.." Keyu stared at the wounds.

"It's okay, you're back now." Patrick says while forcing a weak smiles.

Keyu look into Patrick's eyes and wipes the tears on his red cheeks using his hand.

"Because of these."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Patrick asked confused.

"It's your tears, Paipai. That's my weakness. That's how I am being me right now. And it's only work on your tears. I'm sorry I need to hurt you, that's the only way I can do to make me here. And it doesn't stay long, I'll change again. I don't know how to fully broke the spell yet. But at least you've cured me in a short time."

Patrick hugged Keyu without saying anything and Keyu caress his hair before he continue,

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Hmm?" Patrick hummed and still didn't let go of the hug.

"Please don't tell Oscar that you met me?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't wanna meet him anymore."

Patrick broke the hug and look at Keyu confusedly but then he nods.

"I will. But I really think he has left."

Keyu smiles and nods. Maybe it's the time he should say this, he thought.

"I think you should go back now. I know the way back to the castle."

"What?!" Patrick raised his voice because he's surprised.

"No! I still wanna stay with you.." Patrick frowned.

"I'll change again, remember? You're not gonna stay with this side of me anymore. It's better for you to- .... " Keyu suddenly stop talking and he looks around while sniffing the surroundings.

"Pai, someone's broke in. There's five guys and I'm sure, they're looking for you. Let's go to your room." Keyu said and Patrick follow him from behind because Patrick can also heard some noises that coming from the other side.

They reach the room and Patrick suddenly hugged Keyu.

"I don't wanna leave you.." Patrick said and trying to hold himself from crying.

Keyu smiles and hugged him back.

"You missed Oscar right? He's out there, with the other four guys. You can go now, he's waiting for you."

Patrick closed his eyes tightly. He don't know what should he do right now. Yes, he missed Oscar so much and he wants to meet Oscar but he also don't want to leave Keyu. But there's one thing, he need to go back to the castle because he still have the king and the queen that been waiting for him and they never gonna leave him.

Patrick broke the hug and look down.

"Can you, change? I mean, may I see Keykey for the last time?"

Keyu nods and change his form. Patrick look into Keykey's eyes sadly and kneeled down. He put his forehead on Keykey's forehead and he closed his eyes. He let out all the tears falls on his cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you soo much. I love you, my Keykey." Patrick opens his eyes and stand up. He left the room without leaving a glance at the wolf.

He went downstairs and saw Oscar. Looks like Oscar been searching for him everywhere. He runs towards Oscar and hugged him from behind.

"Patrick? Is it you?" Oscar asked as he's glad he finally found the missing prince. He turn around to look at Patrick but his expression suddenly changed to worry.

"My prince, what happened to your arms? Are you alright?"

"Oscar, please take me out of here! We need to go now! They'll come back here anytime. I don't know where's the exit Oscar. Save me.." Patrick said as he cried heavily and pulls Oscar's arms.

Oscar told the other four guys to leave and they quickly left the place.

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