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7 years later...

Today, is the day where the king is helding the merriest birthday party for his lovely son. The prince has turned 25 today. Patrick is wearing a beautiful white and golden royal suit. He greets everyone politely and elegantly.

He decided to rest for a while and sat upright there alone, taking a sip of water from his glass. He met so many people just in a morning. Still, he is waiting for someone that he hadn't meet in a very long time.

Two more sips and suddenly his eyes were locked at the entrance when he saw the figure that he been patiently waiting for.

"Oscar!" The prince shouted joyfully and runs with his arms wide open, ready to hug his old friend.

His exited steps was suddenly stopped when he saw a non familiar figure pop up from behind Oscar and walk together beside him. The prince look at them stunned while them looking at the prince with a bright smile.

"Patrick.." Oscar walk and hugged the prince lightly.

Patrick was lit up by the hug and he replied then broke the hug to look at Oscar excitedly.

"I miss you so much Oscar!"

"Me too, my prince. You've grown well now. Happy birthday Patrick." Oscar said calmly and bowed.

"This is my new master, prince Hu Yetao." Oscar introduced the guy guy beside him and formed a wide smile.

"Nice to meet you, prince Finkler. Just call me Yetao. Oscar tells me a lot about you, glad to finally meet you in person." The one introduced himself with a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Yetao. Thanks for coming. Just call me Patrick. Friends?"

"Friends." The two young prince shakes hand and smiles to each other.

"Happy birthday to you Patrick. This present is from me and Oscar. You can open it later." The other prince handed him the gift.

Patrick take the small box from his new friend and thanked them politely.

"Um Paipai, where's Keyu? I couldn't see him anywhere. Why isn't he with you right now?" Oscar asked.

"He told me he gotta help to take care of our-, oh there he is. He's coming to us." Says Patrick while looking at a direction where they all can see the tall guy waves his hand at them.

Oscar was surprised when he saw Keyu. He is carrying a little girl on his arms. He put the girl down and she ran to hide behind Patrick while hugging the prince's leg. Patrick lift the girl up and give her a light kiss on her soft dumpling cheeks.

"Ey wicked wizard, how's your another perfect life's doing? Are you missing me there?" Keyu said and give Oscar a tight bro hug.

"I'm doing great there. And of course, I'm missing my bad boys here badly. How about you, is living in the palace better than the woods?"

"I'm doing fine here, of course. He's with me ALL THE TIME. But nothing can compare with my powerful dome. We went there every weekend, he asked me to teach him hunting." Keyu said while the two tough butler keep staring at Patrick playing with the little girl.

"By the way Keyu, who's that cute little girl?" Oscar whispered quietly.

"Just go and ask her yourself. She won't bite." Keyu said teasingly.

"Who's that scary man?" The little girl asked Patrick while hugging his neck.

"This is uncle Oscar. Say hi to him." Patrick waves his hand at Oscar.

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