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The boxes are finally unpacked, everything is cleaned and put away, and all the debris is removed from my now very tiny apartment.

It seemed so much bigger before I moved in. All the materials necessary to live comfortably, even for one person, take up a lot more space than I think I ever really paid attention to.

I did order the macaron silplates and the frosting bags and tips to keep my promise to Jimin. 

About my number neighbors... they've been by a couple of times, sometimes just to drop off food Jin made specifically for me, sometimes to help me with getting my place finished. Once RM even came by to help with Hobi only to fall asleep on my couch. The first snore had us look up at him and just smile fondly at each other. It looked like he needed the nap.

I started school earlier today, and I was lucky in that each class has a syllabus. My unlucky-ness is that it's all in Hangul. My first project is to translate them all into English.

KN: How was first day of school?

Now I feel like an elementary student. It was fine though! : Y/N

KN: There really isn't a better way of saying it though. Did you get your class syllabi?

Syllabi?? I guess that's the plural. Yes, I did, now to translate them into something I can read... : Y/N

KN: Oohh... Hangul homework and it hasn't even been  full day!

Yeah, but I've had to do this translating thing for 2 weeks now, so I'm not exactly bad at it. I'm just not sure if it will be accurate enough to do what I want it to. : Y/N

KN: What do you need it to do?

I really want to get a head start on as much work as possible, so that I'm not swamped by midterms or even semester's end. That means I need to know exactly what I need to do, and when it needs to be turned in. I guess I can only hope all that information is in these syllabi. : Y/N

K/N: I or one of the guys can look over your work and see if it's accurate if you'd like.

Really?! But, aren't you guys seriously busy? Even Hobi looked exhausted that time you passed out on the couch. : Y/N

KN: Yeah... I probably shouldn't be promising any of our time until I get a better handle on our schedule for the next few days. Hold on, let me look...

A few minutes later my phone dings that a text is coming in again.

MY: Hey  so Joon said you need someone to go over an Hangul to English translation, to verify accuracy. I have tomorrow off. I can come by with food from Jin for dinner and we can work out any mistakes if you'd like.

Tysvm! I am grateful that you are willing to use your tiny bit of time off of work to help me! In payment, what treat would you like me to make? : Y/N

MY: Hmm... what would make them all jealous... how about that trifle?  Maybe a fruit one?

Perfect! I saw that pears and cherries are in season. That'll work excellently! : Y/N

He thumbs up my reply, and I take a quick bus ride to the store to pick up some fruit.


The next day is more of the same, with the few classes that I didn't have yesterday happening today. I got my written Hangul syllabus, as well as a history class.

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