Author's Note

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I've been a huge fan of the first two Saints Row games, but was disappointed when the last two games failed to not only continue the story set up by the original installments, but also change the franchise into something else entirely and losing its original identity and characters. This story is supposed to act as what I would mostly envision a proper sequel and continuation of Saints Row 2 to be (with a few liberations of my own), and completely disregards Saints Row 3 and Saints Row 4. However, this story will also include a romantic subplot between The Boss and Shaundi, and will primarily be centered around the appearance of my own custom protagonist. If you'd prefer the story without the romantic subplot and to be more vague with The Boss' appearance/gender in order to either insert your own custom character or to keep more to the narratives of the games, I will be potentially remaking this story afterwards without those traits, so it'll be much of a concept story for a sequel, rather than just my personal fanfic. That being said, this story won't have any set update schedules, since I feel like it would hinder the quality of later chapters, so updates will come as I finish them. And lastly, if you aren't familiar with the story of the first two games, I highly suggest you play them, since this story has a lot of callbacks, references, and continuations from elements of the first two games. Before the main story begins, there are three introductory chapters which take place directly after the final mission of the second game and follow through the secret Julius Little mission and the two dlc story expansions; Ultor Exposed and Corporate Warfare. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy. Criticism is welcome.

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