Intro One: Digging Up The Past

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It's been two weeks since The Boss killed Dane Vogel, and has been laying low ever since. Now currently being on Stilwater's most wanted list, he needed to stay under the radar until the heat died down enough to resurface. Under normal circumstances, his inactivity would be a detriment to the Saints, since rival gangs would not hesitate to seize the opportunity and reign in on their territory. But the Saints ran Stilwater now, ever since they eliminated the competition; the Sons of Samedi, the Ronin, the Brotherhood, and even weakened Ultor's grip on their city after the death of that snake executive. The Boss had accomplished a lot in the span of a couple of months, and any other person would rightfully take the opportunity presented to them to finally catch the break they needed. But the Boss was different. He didn't like sitting back while his crew handled his dirty work. Don't get him wrong, he appreciated their help, but he's used to getting most things done by himself. He was direct like that, and he knew most people wouldn't be able to pull off the things he did, with the exception of maybe Gat. But even then, Gat lacked one thing the Boss didn't: the drive to get what he wanted by any means necessary. Sure, Johnny would do whatever he wanted when motivated, but the Boss was different. If he wanted something, no matter how big or small, he'd get his way eventually. And he always had creative and efficient means of getting it. He wanted to revive the Saints, and he did it. He wanted all of Stilwater to himself, and he got it. But now, he wanted something more personal, ever since he woke out of his coma. He wanted answers. No. He needed them. He needed to know just who the hell had put him in that coma in the first place. It's been itching him in the back of his mind for the longest, but he's been too busy with everything else to scratch it. But now that he's had time alone to himself to think about it, it's been bothering him more so than ever. Just who the hell blew up that boat? Was it meant for him or that damn mayor? Doesn't matter. What matters is who did it and why. He'd been thinking about potential past enemies and one of the first to cross his mind was the current Chief of Police: Troy Bradshaw. The bastard once pretended to wear Saints' purple, but was really repping blue the whole time. He knew he didn't plant that bomb, the cops didn't have the balls to pull off shit like that, especially killing the mayor in the process. But he had his nose deep in Saints' business, so it wouldn't be a stretch if he knew a thing or two about what happened that night. Another potential candidate was Dex. He remembered when Vogel had told him that Dex was offered a job at Ultor. And he was all too familiar with what type of people worked at Ultor. It wouldn't surprise him if he planted that bomb to get in good with the mega corporation. After all, they needed the Saints out of the Row to give it the renovation they wanted, and Dex could've handed them the keys to that. Either way, he needed answers, and he was tired of sitting on his ass rather than doing something productive.

He got up from his spot on the purple couch and made his way towards the stairs. Pierce was asleep on the sofa across from where the Boss sat, and Shaundi sat on a stool with her back towards the bar she was drinking from. Both of them arose from their own separate worlds when they finally saw their boss move from his position. "Hey, Boss. Where ya goin'?" Shaundi asked, making her way to her leader. Without looking back to acknowledge her, he simply answered. "I got something I need to take care of." Pierce leaped from his spot on the couch. "But don't you gotta lay low, Boss? Last time I checked, the heat hasn't exactly died down completely." His question didn't break the Boss' pace at all, due to his little regard to that matter. "Pierce, almost everyday I should expect some heat after me or some other motherfucker tryna kill me. You think I'd do the shit I do, if I didn't know this would happen? Whether I'm in here or out there, it doesn't matter. Ain't nothing gonna stop me from doing what the fuck I want." Shaundi piped in again. "Well shit, can we tag along then?" This made him finally turn around to his two lieutenants. This was his personal business and he wanted to do it completely alone. "No. What I'm about to do isn't Saints business, it's a personal matter. Meaning that this shit is mine to clean up." And with that, he turned back around and kept going towards his bedroom, to retrieve some weapons. Despite his declaration, the two lieutenants continued to follow their leader to his room. "Well, what if you get killed?" Shaundi asked. The Boss kept his back towards them as he rummaged in a drawer to get his guns. "Then Gat's in charge." He answered nonchalantly. Death didn't scare nor deter him, since he's encountered it almost on a daily basis at this point. Pierce chimed in. "And what if Gat can't lead us?" The Boss answered him as equally unconcerned as he did Shaundi. "Then the Saints are fucked." With that, he finally closed the drawer with a glock in one hand and an assault rifle in the other. "Listen, I don't know why you two are so concerned all of a sudden. This is no different from the shit I've faced before, I'll be fine." Pierce didn't accept that. "Yeah, but you weren't the most wanted man alive in Stilwater. If it ain't the cops that'll get you, the Masako will." This made the Boss scoff. "Fuck the cops, and fuck the Masako. If they wanna take me out, they'll need to send an army. As for you two, this discussion is over. I'm going alone and that's it." As he concluded, he turned towards the elevator and exited Purgatory, leaving his lieutenants behind. Pierce shook his head as he turned around. "He's gonna end up getting himself killed." Shaundi followed after him. "Maybe he's right. I mean, this is The Boss after all. He can handle himself, right?" She pulled out a joint and lit it up. Although Shaundi cared for the well being of her leader, she learned long ago that he was not an easy man to kill. If he didn't wanna die, then he wasn't going to. Simple as that. And she liked that about him. It added to his mysterious aura, like the fact that nobody knew his real name. Everybody has only referred to him as "The Boss" and "Playa", that's it. Not even Gat knew his name, and he's rolled with him the longest out of everybody. Shaundi was now curious as to what the Boss planned to do. Whatever it was, it sounded important. And personal. Very personal.

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