Chapter Three: The New Competition

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Looking through his stack of papers on hand, The Boss studied through Dex's transactions and flight patterns. That's what made finding him so damn hard, he can never sit his ass down in one spot for long before fleeing again. "Come on, Dex. You and I both know you can't run forever. Not while you're still under Ultor." The Boss said to himself. He turned his attention to the computer beside him and studied the CCTV footage of Dex making several transactions with shady individuals. The Boss got up from where he was sitting, sleep deprivation finally catching up to him. As he exited the room, he made his way down a hallway to his bedroom. He hated to be going to sleep right now, as he felt he was wasting precious time that could be spent finding Dex. But he knew his limits, and knew forcing himself to stay awake wouldn't be very beneficial in the long run. He undressed himself down to only his boxers before crawling into bed. Upon laying on his mattress, he immediately began to feel the effects of sleep take over, and he drifted off. 

"So my question for you, Dex, is; What makes you think we can trust you?" Asked a black man wearing an orange tank top. "I mean, you used to run with the Saints, now you wanna take them out? What, tryna get rid of the skeletons in your closet for Ultor?" The man asked jokingly. "Ultor is already aware of my past with the Saints. All that matters now is that I want them gone for good. My reasons are my own. Now trust me, you won't get another opportunity like this. They indirectly screwed you over when they destroyed the Rollerz, and I understand you were expecting to buy some important hardware from them before they fell." The orange clad man grew visibly upset at the mention of the loss of their best supplier. "So you'll give us our original shipment and allow us the chance to rip off the heads of the Saints with it. What's the catch?" Dex smiled at the man. "All that I ask is for you to cooperate with not only me, but two other gangs I've spoken with." This got a rise out of the man. "I'm already finding it hard shaking hands with an Ultor drone who used to be a Saint, now you want me to work with two other potential rivals?" Dex remained calm and collected, obviously expecting this reaction. "Temporarily. Once the Saints are gone, you'll get your cut for the work, and permanent amnesty and protection from Ultor. With that, you should be able to reclaim the position of power your crew lost years ago, and more. There is risk in this venture, sure. But there's certainly a lot of gains to be had as well." The man thought it over briefly, trying to decide if this was all worth it. Finally he nodded his head to silently agree to Dex's terms. "So when should we expect them?" The man asked. Dex smiled before answering. "Soon. It won't take them long to realize I'm here. And when they do, they'll come looking for me. In the meantime, I want you to meet me at this address tomorrow, so we can discuss with the other gangs how you'll all divide the city amongst yourselves." Dex handed him a card with a printed time and address on it, before walking back to his car. "The Saints' time is over, and it's about time the OD's showed them that. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Ash?" Dex concluded as he got in his car and drove off. 

The Boss woke up groaning to the sound of his cell phone going off beside him. Reaching from his bed to the nightstand, he retrieves it and answers the call. "It's fucking five in the morning, the fuck do you want?" He answered with obvious agitation. The Saint on the other end was quick to stutter an apology before explaining himself. "You wanted us to let you know the moment we stumbled on a huge lead, and well, we did. We might know what Dex has been up to and where he is."

The Boss made no hesitation making his way to where his team was located. This could finally be it. Months after months of searching, finally he found the bastard. "Where is he?" He was quick to cut to the chase. The first Saint spoke as she made her way to a computer screen. "As you know, Dex has been seen conversing with three unknown individuals, with the last one being a week ago." The Boss nodded as he waited for her to proceed. "Well, we believe we've identified who the people are. Or better yet, what they're a part of." She pulled up a tab of the three men, all of whom were wearing their own separate colors. The first was a muscular black man in an orange tank top. "This is Ash Deckland, a.k.a Mr. Ash. He's the leader of a group of pseudo macho men who love the best cars and the best drugs. They call themselves the Old Dogs, and years ago, they used to be a force to be reckoned with, but lately they've fallen off from their intimidating status." She moved on to the next man, who just looked pure insane. He was an older man sporting a green vest and dog tags, while his face was covered in camo war paint. "This crazy son of a bitch, is an old veteran who's basically declared war against anything that moves and isn't a part of his Warboys. His name is Adam Farland, but all his Warboys call him the Warlord. They're all crazy fucks like him who basically worship him like the second coming of Christ." As she moved on to the last one, The Boss recognized this one's uniform. It was a Japanese man sporting a yellow and black biker jacket, with his hair tied back into a bun. "And last but not least, we have Jiro representing the Ronin. After you killed Kazuo Akuji, the Ronin are looking to him to be their next international leader. Although, apparently he needs to prove himself worthy of the title before he can take over." The Boss finally spoke up. "And I'm guessing he'll need to kill the Saints to do that. Shit, I'll be more than happy to fuck up the Ronin a second time." He smirked before continuing. "So Dex needs help to take me down, huh? That doesn't tell me where he is." One of the other Saints spoke up. "Dex and all of the gangs have all set up shop in a city called New Holland, Boss. Apparently, Ultor's been dippin' their hands in there, like they did with Stilwater, with Masako watching over the city like fucking hawks." The Saint concluded as he stared at his leader, anticipating his response, just like everyone else in the room. The Boss stayed quiet for a minute, before speaking at last. "Call everybody to Purgatory. Let 'em know we're holding a meeting. The Saints are going to New Holland."

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