Intro Two: Magistricide

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The Boss drove around Stilwater as he called up Dex's number that Troy gave him. It took a couple seconds, but then he finally picked up. "How ya doin', Playa?" He instantly recognized the voice. "Dex. I'm assuming you knew I would call?" Dex chuckled on the other end of the line. "I knew you'd be looking for answers, and I'm guessing you got this number from Troy, seeing as how he's the only other person who knows this number." The Boss smirked. "You guessed right." He answered, before Dex continued. "If you've gone through Troy's files, then you know Julius set you up. Meet me at the old church, and I'll tell you where to find Julius." And with that, he hung up.

It took him 10 minutes to speed his way to the church. Stepping out of the car, he walked up the steps, and entered the old  hangout. Upon walking in, he noticed how the old church went through some remodeling. Obviously, courtesy of Ultor. But as he entered, the old Saint reminisced on old memories of the original Saints gathered here, years ago. Johnny bickering with Aisha. Troy smoking by himself. Dex chatting it up with some fellow members. Lin laying out a guy who was cat-calling her. Julius planning their takeover of the Vice Kings. And then there was the Playa himself, quiet. Everyone used to think he was a mute, since he'd never talk much. Truth be told, he was too afraid to speak, back then. But being in the Saints taught him that fear was only for bitches who were ready to die. And over time, the Playa learned not to fear even death itself. Especially when he came face to face with it upon the explosion. "So much shit's changed in just five years. Who'd of thought things would end up like this?" He thought about all the events that happened over the years; Lin and Aisha are dead, Troy became the Chief of Police, Dex's the head of security at Ultor, and now here he is trying to find and kill his old mentor and leader. Who'd have thought? Just then, The Boss heard the doors to the church open. "The fuck took you so long?" He asked as he turned to face who'd he'd assume would be Dex. He was not expecting to see Julius instead.

The Boss glared at the retired leader as he walked closer, until Julius spoke. "You ain't Dex." Said Julius in confusion. The Boss replied coldly. "Neither are you." It took everything in him not to waste him right then and there. But he couldn't, not yet anyways. He wanted to make sure that Julius would regret betraying him. Julius walked closer, trying to appear casual. "You look different, did you-? " The Boss quickly cut him off as he raised his gun at him. "I didn't do shit to my hair." Julius held his hands up. "You pullin' a gun on me?" Angered, yet afraid. "Well I didn't have time to plant a bomb inside the church, so this'll have to do." The Boss' fingers were itching to pull the trigger, but Julius spoke again. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about." Like hell he didn't, but The Boss played along regardless. "Why don'tcho educate me?" He asked. Enraged, Julius got defensive. "I don't gotta explain shit to you." Clearly, his guard was up, but the Playa wasn't having any of it. "This is where we're gonna have to agree to disagree." Julius tried to regain control of the situation, and attempted to call his former protégé's bluff. "Why don't you put the gun down, we both know you're not gonna use it." The Boss looked at him and replied "Not yet.", before he pistol whipped him in the face, causing Julius to fall to the floor. But The Boss wasn't done yet, as he quickly stood over him and began to repeatedly beat him in the face with his gun, before quickly cocking it and pointing it at him. Julius was finally aware of the danger he was in and yelled for the other man to stop. " I never thought I'd see you beg, Julius..." But the older man quickly tried to explain the situation. "I'm not beggin', I'm tryin' to talk some sense into you." But The Boss wasn't having any of it. "I'm done listening to your bullshit!" However, this didn't deter Julius from speaking. "Put it together, Dex wanted us in the same place." Although Julius was clearly onto something, The Boss was blinded by his rage and currently couldn't see to reason. "Yeah, and why'd he want that?" Before Julius could answer him, one of the windows next to them shattered as a grenade was thrown in, releasing a cloud of smoke. This was enough to distract The Boss from killing Julius for the time being. "Can we kill each other later?" Julius asked as The Boss pulled him to his feet, putting aside their beef...for now.

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