Chapter 10: Valentine's Day

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A few days had pass and my dad's birthday was on its way. One day during the week, David, April and I went to the store to buy our dad a gift. April got our dad a card. David got my dad a silver watch kind of similar to his. I got my dad a box full of material he can use on his architecture project and we all chipped on that. When my dad's birthday came, David came over and we gave in our gifts.

"Hey Mr. Lewis happy birthday," David said as he handed my dad a box. When he opened the box, he took the watch out, tried it on and said,

"Thank you David. I love it." Then April gave our dad his card.

"Happy Birthday Daddy"

"Thank you sweetie," he said as he read and then gave her a hug.

"Dad, these are from all of us. It's a box full of material that you can use to finish your architect project."

"Thank you guys." After the gifts, we had cake and enjoyed ourselves.

Many weeks had passed and my dad was enjoying his gift. In a few days it was Valentine's Day. An hour passes, after I was going back and forth trying to get gift I finally got a gift that I knew David was going to love and it was cheap. Just a few days before Valentine's Day, I saw Matthew in my school.

"Hey Matthew, what are you going here?" I said as I hugged and kissed him on his cheek.

"I transferred schools because I wanted to be closer to Brittany and my school is fat from my dad's house."

"That's great."

"MATTHEW!!!!" Brittany said as Matthew turned around, Brittany jumped and kissed him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I transferred schools so I can be around you more."


"Hey what's up Matthew, what are you going here?"

"I transferred"

"Oh awesome. Are you joining the basketball team?"

"Yea next year"

"Ok cool"

"Well I got to get to class. David, can you show me where my class is?"

"Sure no problem"

"Thanks." Then we all went off to class.

A few days had passed since Matthew started going to our school and I was going well. Today was February 14, Valentine's Day and I couldn't wait to give David my gift. When I got to school that day, I gave all my friends a Valentine's Day card with a lollipop on the front. I kissed the guys on the cheek, hugged the girls and kissed David. That whole day, I was just happy and in a very good mood.

When I got home that day, I gave my family a card with a lollipop too.

"Ally, are you going by David's house tonight?"


"Can you please give this to him," April said as she handed me a heart-shaped card with a picture that she drew. The picture was so pretty; we both have the talent of drawing.

"Sure no problem" Later I told my parents I was going to David's house to spend the night.

"Mom, is it ok if I spend the night by David's house?"

"Sure, buy just don't do anything God and we don't want you to do."

"I promise and thank you."

"You're welcome honey." Then I headed upstairs and packed my bag to go by David. Before I headed off to David's house, I called him and told him I was coming.

We Can See the Future Now (Old Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora