Chapter 29: Our Early Honeymoon

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When we arrived home, David picked me up, got my things and took me inside. When I got inside, I said,

"It feels so good to be home."

"Yes it does." Then he took me to our room and rested me down on the bed slowly. Even if he did it slowly it still hurts a lot.

"Ow baby," I cried.

"I'm sorry sweetie. How bad does it hurt?"

"Bad very bad."

"Oh. Would you like me to massage your back?"

"Yes but it will hurt when you massaging me, a lot."

"I know but don't you want to feel better?"


"Ok so please let me do it?"


"And I promise I won't hurt you that much; I won't hurt you baby."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now I have to turn you over on your stomach so I can get your back."


"But first let me take this gown off."

"Ok." David slowly lifted me up and slowly took off the gown, lifting it slowly and taking his time. When it was finally off, he rested me back down slowly. As he stood up and looked at me, he was looking at me chest. I was confused and followed his eyes. His eyes were on my breast and I forgot that in the hospital they take off your clothes but I was left with my panty.

"Earth to David," I said laughing. Finally David shook his head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry it's just that I haven't touched you in a while."

"It's ok," I said still laughing. Then David slowly and carefully turned me over on my stomach. Once I was on my stomach, David asked me,

"Baby does your butt hurt?"


"Ok." Then David slowly came on the bed and sat on my butt.

"This is going to hurt." David slowly started massaging my sides and it was really hurting bad.

"Babe my back really hurts," I said crying.

"I know baby." There was a moment of silence.

"Would this help?" I was confused at what David asked me. Suddenly, I felt David's breathe on my back and before I knew what was going on David kissed my neck and massaged my back. It felt so good and I actually released some of the pain in my back.

"It did help."

"Good," he said against my neck. He started kisses all over my body as he massaged me. The pain slowly was going away and I wasn't thinking about it because I was turned on by the way David kissed me. David must have done this over and over again for 20 to 30 minutes because the pain was starting to go away. Soon the pain was all gone. David started moving his hand up and down my back to see if it was still hurting and it wasn't. He got off me and told me to move my back. I sat up, turned over, tried to do some sit ups and my back wasn't hurting like it was before. I just lay there looking at David lying next to me.

"Thank you David."

"You're welcome baby." I was sooo happy that I threw myself on top of David and he fell hard onto the bed.


"Sorry," I said looking at him. Then I kissed him. He wrapped his arm around my back and turned us over.

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