Chapter 33: Bye Sheepsheadbay High School, Hello Syrcause

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June had come by really fast. I had found out that James and Matthew were going to the same college as me. Matthew's major was going to be writing and James' was going to be art. My major was also art too so James and I were going to have the same classes. I had also gotten a scholarship because I got good grades, great art skills and many awards on my art. I had asked the school, if I could live on campus and also sleep off campus in my house and they actually said I could. They gave me a separate room so I can come whenever I want. Graduation was in a few days and so was prom. David had took me to buy to new dresses for graduation and prom. He had bought me a white dress and a tight silver dress for prom. David wasn't able to go to my prom but I danced with him at his prom. The school said we can't bring anybody that doesn't go to the school. I didn't want to be dateless so I had asked James, he was the closiest one to David and also he was dateless because his new girlriend couldn't come either. I know your asking what to Kayla but his new girlfriend is Kayla. A month ago, James had asked Kayla to be girlfriend. In April, he told me that he was starting to gain strong strong feelings for Kayla. He started to describe her to me and believe it or not but she was similar like me, just how James was similar to David. That was why he gained feelings for her quick. Kayla was 19 and was going to attend Cornell University, which wasn't far from my school and she also had an apartment so she didn't have to live on campus. James decided to drive down to her on the weekends snd I think that's sweet. He told me that he was going to take things slow. I was just so happy for them.

Today was finally graduation day. The graduation was outside on the school's football firld. My family, David's family, Matthew's dad, James' family, and Kayla came. Matthew, James and my name was called everyone cheered and in the back the loudest was David.

"Go baby I love you," I smiled and walked off the stage. About an hour later, the graduation was done and we threw our hats up in the air. I found James and Matthew and said,

"We finally did." Then I gave them a big hug. Suddenly, I heard Kayla yell,

"Congradulations baby." We all turned around and saw Kayla running towards James. Before we knew it, Kayla was on top off James on the grass. James didn't even have time to catch her. His arms were around her waist and she was lying on top of him, kissing. It was sooo cute; it remind me of what I would do when I was happy then I tackle David. Speaking of David, I wonder where he was. I looked around and saw him in the distance. He had his hands in his pocket with a bunch of flowers in his hand. He looked sooo sexy. I started walking over to him. As I approached him, he smiled and said,

"Condrats Baby."

"Thank you."

"These are for you."

"Thank you." There was a long moment of silence. "I FINALLY GRADUATED!!!!" I yelled and David jumped. I was sooo happy that I did was Kayla did. I jumped on David and he fell down too. One of his legs were up. He still had the flowers in his hand and it was wrapped around my waist. He started laughing and I just kissed him.

"I'm sooo proud of you."

"Thank you." Then David and I got up and headed by the others. When we got back, I asked James,

"Hey James what time are picking me up?"


"Ok well see you then." We all said our good byes and felt because we had to get ready for prom tonite. My parents decided to take me out for dinner sometime to celebrate.

When I got home, it was after 1. I headed straight upstairs and crashed on the bed. For some reason I was really tired. I kept all my clothes on, got in the middle of the bed and closed my sleep. I was slowly drifting off into sleep when I heard the bed room door open.

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