Chapter 31: Strip Game

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These pass weeks; David got a new job for the hours of 9 to 3. He is now working at a different video place. He can work at home or at the shop. He takes the videos and edit it. Also with a bunch of pictures he would put them together to make a perfect slideshow of them. This job actually paid him more than his last job. Now David was able to see me and spend more time with him in the morning and when we came home.

One day when I came home, David was speaking with James and Matthew. I had went to the mall afterschool to by something for Valentine's Day for the guys. When I walked into the living room, I saw the boys talking. As soon as they saw me, they stopped talking and looked at me.

"Hey baby," David said.

"Hey guys," I said as I walked over to the guys. I hugged and kissed each of them. Then I sat down and they all were staring at me.

"Ummm baby can you excuse us for a while?" David asked.

"Ok fine. I'll got make us a little snack."

"Thanks baby," he said as I gave him one last kiss and went into the kitchen. As I was in the kitchen, I had made a lot of popcorn because I wanted to watch a movie with the guys. When I was done popping about 3 bags of popcorn, David called me.

"Baby, you can come back now." Then I went back into the living room with the bowl of popcorn.

When I got into the living room, I sat on the couch right in front of the TV. David was sitting there and so was James. I sat in between them and put the bowl on the table.

"So what movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked them. The guys looked each other and then they gave me an evil smile. I had a feeling what type of movie they were going to chose.

"Insidious," they all said. I knew they were going to say a scary movie because they knew I didn't like scary movies. David got up and put the movie in.

"David please don't play that movie!" I said trying to stop him but it was too late, he had already put the movie in. He came back and sat next to me with a huge smile on his face. I got up and punched all the guys in their arms and they all said,

"Owww." I tried to leave but David wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. Soon the movie started. I lay my feet out on David and rested my elbow on James lap. When scary parts came, I screamed and dug my head into James' chest and by accident my foot hit David's friend."

"Owww baby," David loudly whispered rubbing his pants. I sat up and rubbed his pants too.

"I'm sorry," I said as I gave David one quick kiss. James and Matthew didn't see what was going on. The movie continued and I was buring myself into David and James' chest because I was really scared.

As the movie was close to ending, I felt my stomach starting to hurt and I quickly ran to the bathroom. As I looked at my underwear, I saw a little blood. I had my period. As I stood up, I quickly clenched onto my stomach and fell on my knees. My stomach was gripping in pain really bad; it was like I couldn't move at all from where I was. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"DAVVVIIIDDDD!!!!" A minute later, David opened the door and said,

"Baby, what happened?"

"Cramps, bad cramps," I said painfully.

"Can you move?"


"Do you have any more pills?"

"I don't think so." David quickly picked me up and carried me back to the living room. In the living room, Matthew and James asked,

"What happened?"

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