The Parting of the Ways

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(Just like the last chapter, there's going to be a lot of jumping from one scene to another because I think a lot of the scenes in this are important!)


One of the Daleks turns to Rose Tyler intimidatingly. "You know the Doctor and The Creator." It stated. "You understand him. You will predict his actions." It ordered.

Rose shook her head, terrified. "I don't know! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." She spat.

The Daleks moved closer, chanting "Predict! Predict! Predict!"

Another Dalek cute it off. "TARDIS detected in flight." It warned.

The first Dalek immediately takes action against the two Time Lords. "Launch missiles. Exterminate!"

Rose's eyes widen massively. "You can't!" She yelled. "The TARDIS hasn't got any defenses. You're going to kill them!"

If the Dalek could, it would have nodded, but as it goes it merely moved it's 'eye' left and right a little. "You have predicted correctly."

On the TARDIS, Ivy is busy attaching the extrapolator, that Margaret the Slitheen had hoped to use as her escape vehicle, to the TARDIS mainframe. "We've got incoming!" She yelled to the two in there with her as she noticed the missiles heading towards them. The missiles strike them head on, but don't manage to harm the TARDIS. "The extrapolator is working!" She cheered. "We've now got a fully functional forcefield."

Jack chuckled. "Try saying that when your drunk." He joked.

The Doctor on the controls, lands the TARDIS so it is surrounding Rose; but also the nearest Dalek to her. He notices very quickly. "Rose, get down!" He yells, when she doesn't take his advice he yells it again. "Get down, Rose!"

The Daleks sees the Doctor. "Exterminate!" It calls, but misses it's shot as Jack blows it wide open using his modified Defabricator.

Rose smiled at them all. "You did it." She pointed out as Ivy shoots up to hug her. Ivy pulls away and the Doctor is next up to hug her. "Feels like I haven't seen you in years." She said, relieved.

"I told you I'd come and get you." The Doctor defended himself.

Rose shook her head, still hugging him tightly. "Never doubted it."

"I did." Ivy revealed. "You alright?" She asked Rose, as she and the Doctor pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah. You?"

"Not bad." Ivy stated.

"Been better though." The Doctor added, as Ivy nodded in agreement.

Jack from behind them all threw his hands up, exasperated. "Hey, don't I get a hug?" He asked, opening his arms for Rose.

Rose snickered. "Oh, come here!" She exclaimed.

"I wa talking to him." He laughed, pointing at the Doctor but racing to hug Rose. "Welcome home!" He stated, rubbing her back.

"Oh." Rose sighed, contentedly. "I thought I'd never see you again."

Jack pulled back from the hug, looking over at the Defabricator. "oh, you were lucky. That was just a one-shot-wonder." He sighed. "Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk." He commented.

Rose turned back to the Doctor. "You said they were extinct. How comes they're still alive?" She questioned him, looking at the now fully open shell of the Dalek, the octopus-like creature inside laying there lifelessly.

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