ness or me

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4:32 PM

Massaging her temples the girl sitting on the couch was biting her nails nervously, you could tell she was hit with a thousand thoughts and was slowly trying to make it make sense in her brain. 

The boy sitting on the couch facing her was angry it was obvious and the expression was worn on his face. His jaw was clenched making his jawline more sharp as if you could slice your hand if you touched it and his large hands were in fists. He finally spoke 

Jaden- No we can't do this. This isn't fair and right.

The girl slowly looked up from the floor quickly making eye contact with the boy and his gaze softened. The older lady with blonde hair finally spoke

Shannon- This is only until your album comes out and this creates so much more promotion for Ness as well. It is a benefit for both of you, so I think you guys better break up with your partners and we will sign a contract okay? 

Nessa sighed her green eyes slowly filling up with tears. She hated making people upset as she always put others before her and she knew that this fake relationship with Jaden was not only going to cause her so much hate but as break Josh's heart and their friendship. 

Nessa- Yeah I guess that's okay we may as well just get it over and done with 

She spoke quietly while she looked up at the faces around her forming a small smile. She knew that when she arrived home she was going to cry and sleep. 

Jaden- This is crazy I can't do this I'm sorry Shannon and Bree but I'm not putting Ness or me in its awkward and fucked up position

He yelled as he grabbed his phone and car keys walking out of the studio and slammed the door behind him. The room fell silent  

Shannon- I'll get him to change directions I think everyone should go home and get some rest today's been a hard day.

everyone murmured their goodbyes before leaving the darkened room and heading back home to rest and process everything. 

6:17 PM 

Nessa walked into the house stepping over the piles of random shit that was placed all around the entryway. She would have never imagined a dirtier or filthier house than the house that belonged to the three boys Cooper, Quinton and Jaden. It was a nice house it was big, had a pool outside and the kitchen was massive however they never cleaned it and every cleaner they hired would run straight out the door after looking inside. 

She walked up the stairs and stood outside a door she would have never thought of ever standing. Don't get her wrong she was friends with Jaden and they spent most of their time in the studio but she never imagined standing outside of his bedroom door and convincing him to date her. 

She knocked on the large black door and after her third knock, Jaden opened the door. He was shirtless and was only wearing grey sweatpants, his hair was messy and looked as if he had just woken up.   he rubbed his eyes and was shocked to see Nessa and he immediately knew why she came. 

Jaden- Oh hi ness 

it felt as if there was no air left to breathe she couldn't help but stare at his abs and his broad shoulders and how good he looked after he woke up.his tattoos were insanely hot. she zapped out of daydreaming and drew a long breathe in getting ready to embarrass herself 

Nessa- Okay I know you don't want to do this and I know that it's wrong. Still, I just can't help but think that this thing that's going to happen between us, I mean like the publicity thing not as if something is going to happen to us, omg I am rambling. Still, I meant that this thing could bring us about of promotion and the most important thing in my life right now is my music career but of course if you don't want to that's totally fine I'm not forcing you into anything that's just how I feel. 

She finished talking and looked up meeting the gaze of his blue eyes ( I don't know if its grey or blue) he smiled and laughed running his fingers through his black and red hair. 

Jaden- Sure we can date if you want 

he winked giving her butterflies 

Nessa- Dickhead 

his laugh echoed through the empty halls as she walked off.


authors note 

Hey guys I decided to rewrite the cringy and extremely bad chapters, don't worry I still know that this is still bad I'm rlly bad at writing but yea.i hope u enjoyyyy 

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