Space Quad (HCs)

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These are more of personality and interaction HCs for the birds and not really heavy lore related stuff, through there might be some.

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- Novatta -

-Despite it's rather rocky relationship with humans, Novatta could care less about them. As long as they don't mess with the fabric of Space-Time or use It to do something stupid *cough cough (Cyrus and Sirius) *cough cough*

-Does not like it's wing stumps being touched (Altered form)

-Altered Novatta lacks it's blue, purple, and orange plumage unlike it's Origin Form. Gmax Novatta retains it's colored plumage from it's altered form but much more prominently

-It hates Giratina and will usually ignore Diagla or Palkia unless it senses them to be in danger and try to intervene. Unless Novatta is dormant (in it's gemstone form), being the reason it did not respond to Cyrus during the events of DPPt as it was in a state of slumber following it's defeat by Starbright Necromza and Cosmosis.

-The Lake Trio or their Crystals cannot be used to control Novatta. The only thing using a Red Chain would likely do to it would be pissing it off.

-A very powerful and dangerous Pokémon. Novatta is capable of altering the very fabric of the Universe and anything within it at will. In theory, it could terraform a whole planet in mere seconds. However this power has it's limits. Novatta cannot create or destroy matter, only alter it's state or reverse it to a certain point. These powers are useless if the Pokémon enters Ultra Space.

-Like most legendaries, Novatta does not require food or water to sustain itself. Though it is still capable of eating/drinking and feeding it will get you a very happy space birb :)

-It's cry is described as eery, otherworldly, and strangely kind of beautiful sounding. It's rumored that this Pokémon's cry is capable of even penetrating the vacuum that is space itself.

-(a bit of a joke) Nova can hiss (Turns out some birds do that IRL)


-Formed from the lower left wing that was cut from Novatta.

-Similarly to it's female counterpart, Galactos is rather shy. It prefers to avoid things but unlike Galacta, when Galactos is annoyed or stressed about something it will directly attack it, warping it to another dimension or location in space.

-It does not like man-made objects floating in it's domain. Galactos will make whole satellites disappear. They usually reappear back on Earth, not too far from the place it calls home on that planet.

-Dos likes to eat rocks (though it doesn't need to eat to survive)

-It is male and one of only two members of the Space Quartet to have a gender.

-Rumors state that Galactos was encountered by a far off space fairing civilization and was the one responsible for the disappearance of one of their greatest scouters.


-Formed from the lower right wing of Novatta

-Prefers to lurk in Nebulae since it can use the dust to cloak itself

-It's shy like Galactos. Instead of physically diving at a threat coming for it, Gala will instead use it's dust to disrupt it's attacker.

-It is female and only one of two members of the Space Quad to have a gender

-Galacta's dust can mess with the nervous system of those who inhale it. The Pokémon will simply manipulate it to mess with the minds of those affected to protect itself


-The result of Galacta and Galactos laying an egg.

-There are multiple of this Pokémon, however there are only two "True" Cosmosis which are immortal. Marked by their unique double-crossed flame vents.

-Cosmosis is the only Pokémon known with the ability to hit Cosmic Types with Fire Damage thanks to it's signature move, Solarwind Sweep.

-Both Nebulic/Cosmosis have a structure on it's beak that looks similar to a scar. It's actually gland called a "Flame Vent" that expels Fire when the Pokémon is angry or in battle

-The Fire produced by a Cosmosis can burn as hot as a Main Sequence Star (Our sun is one). Strong enough to melt even the most heat-resistant of metals. Nebulics haven't developed their flames yet so it isn't as powerful.

-A Cosmosis is capable of enveloping it's whole body in Fire if it feels threatened or even a single body part. It's advised to not grab one unexpectedly because you might get scorched by it's tail.

-They primarily sustain themselves by absorbing heat and light though Cosmosis are known for their rather, bizarre, tastes in food. Hide your Pickled Slowpoke Tails!

-Similarly to Novatta, a Cosmosis is capable of a Gmax form. A Cosmosis can Gmax without the presence of Galar  Particles by burning up their energy, turning into a large fire-bird. This is, however, usually lethal to the Pokémon and most Cosmosis will die upon running out of energy (True Cosmosis will revert back into an egg state unless they are kept in a Pokeball). This can be circumvented if the Pokémon is Gmaxed in the presence of Galar Particles with a Dynamax Band (which does not exist in the Dranowa region), then the Pokémon will be fine upon returning to normal

-If a True Cosmosis is killed, instead of dying, they will revert back to their egg form.

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