(Lore) The Larkspur Labs Incident

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In the year 20XX, Police raided the Sliverport Division of Larkspur Laboratories following an anonymous tip-off about the unethical research being conducted there. By the time they arrived, the building was found abandoned save for a few Pokémon test subjects and some scattered notes. It was determined whoever was there must have left in a hurry and attempted to take whatever they could find with them as evidenced by the messy state of the lab.

Larkspur was nowhere to be found but two notes were discovered in his office. Both of them baring a large green R, the same one found at the bases of the Torren Cults following their destructions/disbandments.

The first note appeared to be some sort of warning addressed to "Those providing funding to Larkspur Labs", telling them to hault all funding or serious consequences would ensue. This message was believed to have been sent out in mass as it was shown to have been typed up.

"To those providing funding to Larkspur Labs

We know who you are and advise that you cut all funding going to the furthering of the illegal and unethical research being conducted at Larkspur Labs. If you do not comply with our demands then serious consequences will follow. Do not try to test our patience, this is your final and only warning.


The second note on the other hand appeared to have been personally addressed to Larkspur himself, evidenced by the handwriting.  Another point of interest was an L having been added next to the green R, like whoever wrote it signed it with their initials and what appears to be an analogy of sorts printed just above the the signature.

"Dear [REDACTED] Larkspur,

You might not remember me but I sure as Arceus remember you. I know everything about your little experiments and those backing your little "projects". Don't even try as we have gotten them to pull away their fundings by the time you are reading this. As for you, I'm sure Tandor won't mind if you ended up going missing.

When an atom is split under the right conditions, it causes a chain reaction that ultimately leads to an explosion and in it's wake leaves a nuclear fallout


A post-it note was also discovered on one of the reseacher's desktops. The note mentioned something about moving to the Hergeki Branch which prompted police to get into contact with the Ranger Division located there.

- - -

Two days later, the Rangers would raid Larkspur Lab's Hergeki Division. The lab was found in ruins and the moved assets were discovered to be stashed within a hidden room. Larkspur, once again, was nowhere to be found. What was discovered was a large green R from the notes having been painted on one of the walls and the same analogy from one of the notes.

Larkspur Labs would file for bankruptcy only a day later. The company would later be bought out by the Nova Corporation, who would dissolve it and have most of the Lab's research either destroyed or locked away under orders by Mr. Nova (Sirius), who deemed it to be "too unethical and a potential danger to both people and Pokémon if it were to be leaked to the public".

The Hergeki building was left abandoned while the Silverport building would be converted to a branch for Nova in Tandor.
- - -

Larkspur would not reappear until many months later, dropped off into the custody of the International Police. It was noted that something was "off" about him. Larkspur appeared to be disheveled and his behavior was noted to be rather timid.

The case was closed but Larkspur's sudden capture led many of those working for the IP to become suspicious, including that of Cameron Caine, Theo's father. He came to the Hergekis in hopes to investigate and find out the truth of whatever happened at Larkspur Labs following the sudden emergence of a Group calling themselves Team Rapture and the sudden increase of Corrupted Nuclear Pokémon within the archipelago.

During his stay, Cameron comes across a Young Trainer from Dranowa (The Player) and enlists their help in investigating the ruins of the LL Hergeki Building. The two would be joined by a scientist (Colress) who has also taken an interest in the lab himself.

Just maybe, they might be able to uncover more about what happened and even a possible link to a missing trainer/Former Dranowan Elite Four named Raman.

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