The Shredder (Akame ga kill)

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"Go" A dark voice growled out to the group men and woman clothed head to toe in black uniforms. "And do not fail me!" with that the group all seemingly vanished as the leader of group stood up from his throne before also vanishing.



With a mighty swing Extase cleaved through the Berserk Coros ,tree like, arm saving Mine from being crushed in its grip. "Sheele!" Mine greeted her friend owing her life.

"Thank goodness. I made it just in ti-" The loud crack of a gun shot echoed through out the courtyard as Sheele felt her shoulder rip open. Wasting no time she jumped out of the way expecting the massive Coro to strike however instead Mine and Sheele found the hulking monster standing above the body of its master and they soon saw why.

Seryu, Coros master,was in a heap on the ground,blood pooling around her from the wounds, multiple shruiken buried in her back surrounded by people wearing uniforms similar to a ninja weapons drawn. Mine quickly turned her attention back to her friend. "Sheele are you ok!" she cried out.

"I'm fine." Sheele returned "Only my shoulder." she continued while tearing a small part off her dress to plug the wound. "But Mine those guys..."

Mine shook her head "No idea."

Seryu clinged on to her consciousness"H-h-how dare you." she stuttered while trying to stand "Y-YOU BASTARDS!" she roared out rising up. Her pure rage on display for all. "I WON'T LET YOU STAND IN THE WAY OF JUSTICE!" she once again roared out like a rabid animal. As she prepared to give Coro it's orders, the clanking of armor and weapons was heard by all.

"Seryu are you ok!" One the soldiers shouted out.

"I'm fine focus on the enemy!" Seryu yelled back. Seryu brought her gaze to Coro, steam wafting off it's body. 'Damn Coro's almost at his limit!' she inhaled deeply 'No it doesn't matter there's only twelve enemies.' her lips twist into a vile smile like that of a monster. "EVEN IF I DIE I'LL TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!" Coro's entire body tensed preparing it's self for battle.

'She's totally lost it!' Mine thought 'We can't just run they'd just follow us.'

'We need a opening.' Sheele thought, her and Mine on the same wavelength.

All parties prepared themselves for battle. Seryu began to open her mouth to send Coro at the members of Nightraid and these ninja but she would never get the chance. As the sound of flute broke through the tense silence.

"Where the-" The soldier was interrupted as the ninja brought out a dozen sphere like objects throwing them at their feet and with a *poof* smoke began to fill the square.

" C-coro!" Seryu yelled out. The massive beast launched itself,at speeds that should be impossible, launching a massive punch downward toward the ninjas *CRACK* only to reveal no one. Seryu angrily whipped her head around only find her original targets gone. She gritted teeth so hard you could hear them strain under the weight. "DAMMIT,DAMMIT,DAMMIT,DAMMIT!!!!!" she raged kicking the ground cracking the stone, as Coro slowly reverted to normal  before falling over tired from using the Berserk state.

One of the soldiers began to approach the girl to try and calm her down but he was stopped.

"I was under the impression you were soldiers." A dark voice rang out causing everyone to rapidly look for the source while drawing there blades. "Not children!"

"Where is he!"

"I can't see anything!"

Seryu focused on her senses searching for something, anything! 'How is this possible!' but she would never find it.


The sounds of death brought all eye's the center of the group what they saw terrified them. A man covered head to toe in bladed armor ,a helmet and face mask. Stood four long back hand blades dripping with the blood of two of their comrades. One's throat sliced open blood still draining out like a faucet. The other had claws piercing their heart.

"But you will still make *SLICK* a fine example of why they call me the Shredder!"

For the first time since her training Seryu felt genuine pure...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................fear


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