Euphoric love: Prolouge

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Tristyn Sai'yre Thomas (Tank)
Richmond, Virginia
August 12,1988

"Tristyn Breakfast now"I heard my pregnant mother yell from the kitchen of our small 3 bedroom house . It's about 7 in the morning and I had just finished getting dressed I had walked out.

"Morning"I said to mother as I came walking into the kitchen at same time and joined my siblings at the table to see my aunt rushing around.

"morning sweetheart"She said extra smiley for some reason today while handing me my plate

"Thanks my ma"I said as my father came into the kitchen with his work uniform on.

"Morning baby.. morning kids"My father said.

"Morning honey"my mom says handing my father his morning coffee

"Good morning pops, dad" me and my siblings each said.

"You guys excited for carnival tonight"my dad asked.

"Yes"My siblings and I shouted all said excitedly.

"Oh shit that's tonight"my mom said.

"Yeah"My dad said with a brow raised.

"I totally forgot about that I gotta work late tonight"My mom said.

"Again you've been working late a lot lately!?"My dad asked. While looking at my mom while taking a sip from his morning coffee

"Yes again Ty we have bills to pay and kids to take care of that little job that you got not gonna cut it"my mom said.

"Excuse me"my father said glaring at my mom.

"You heard me Ty it's not gonna cut it"my momma said as she began to collect her stuff so she can get ready for work.

"Um Kids gone head to your rooms or something right quick so I can talk to your mom"my father said.

"We have nothing to talk about Ty. I said what I said" my mother said harshly.

My siblings and I all got up from the table and left out of the kitchen. we decided to go outside in the front yard to play while my parents stayed inside arguing. While we're outside playing around with each other or whatever I noticed a black car just sitting down the street from our house some with tinted windows. as soon as my momma came out the door to go to her car. The car that was sitting down the street some started and pulled off driving down the street towards us. As they slowly drove down pass us I noticed the windows roll down next thing I knew bullets started flying towards I hit the ground hard all I could hear was my siblings and my mom screams as the bullets continued flying.

when it was all over the car scurried off but the screams didn't stop though they just got louder. I was trapped but when I got up I looked to see blood all over me but it wasn't mine when I looked down n seen my oldest brother Tymiah aka TJ and my younger sister Tahani still on the ground gasping for air. my father rushed from the house Yelling and screaming

I couldn't do anything but just stand there in shock. One of my older sisters rushed over to me to make sure I was ok while one of my little brothers went and called the police.

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