Chapter 7: Blood n' Guts!

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Sorry for the gruesome title in this chapter things get crazy...

Todd's POV: HOLY CRAP! 2 things about this...Yes! Because first of all I have a lot of great gear at home. 2 HOW AM I GONNA GET HOME WITHOUT FRICKING DYING!!??.... Alright I can do this just think, what would Carl Grimes do.... He would kill all of them like a fricking baus!!!...except I'm NOT Carl Grimes and Im not a baus.... Im a 13 year old- HOLY SHIT!....GASP... I just killed a zombie.....AWESOME!! Alright time to get out of here.( Couple minuets later...)Whew that was  close, time to gather all my friends and my brother and get the flying fuck out of here! Alright off to a good start just found half of my friends dead so....yeah....this SUCKS....wait what does Jordan have for 6th period?....... Oh yeah he has Mr. Vanhuten! hopefully my bro is still alive if he's not i'll......nah he'll live.....he has to.

Jordan's POV: WHAT THE HELL I THOUGHT ZOMBIES DIDNT EXSIST HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!? AAHHHHHGGG-,..the....fuck...up...and hide... Alright just stay in here until- GAPSP! WESELY... " bitten...." Hey i cant help one can now..." "oh well i have a few-" "Wesely look ZOMBIE!!!!" "WAIT WH- AAAHHGGHHHGGGGGGGHHH!!!!" OH MY GOD THOSE...THOSE....ARE..HIS..GUTS....... HURP!- BBLLLLAAARRGGG HHHHH!!!"

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