Its just a flower?

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Your POV:
I woke up to total agony which shot through me when I moved I cried my crying woke up popee who kept me safe while I was asleep he shot up and looked around the room and breathed heavy he settled his mind and turned to look at me with fear in his eyes and a concerned look as well "y/n dear are you okay" he asked me even though I was in agony I still blushed "no I think the side effects of yesterday's incident is happening" I said while crying he put his arm around my shoulder and his other wrapped around me head stroking the back of my head I dug my head into his chest and when I looked up I realised he didn't have his bunny hat on with his medium length hair showing it looked so handsome on him I went back to lying on his chest then I winced in pain and my eyebrows furrowed "y/n put your hands up here" he took my hands and placed them on his shoulders so when I had a pain shot through me I could grip onto his shoulders and it did help after a few minutes of getting the pain out of me popee moved and went to my side of the bed and took the cover of me "now let's have a look at that knee" I then remembered that eepop kicked my knee he inspected it and made sure it wasn't broken in a weird way like not with an x ray just by touching the back of my knee "it's not broken that's good it's just very bruised and it looks like if you were to stand up it wouldn't keep you stable so a splint should help" he said I widened my eyes at his words "wow I never knew you were such a natural" he looked at me with a smirk and slightly laughed "I'll be right back" he said and what I think he was going to go get the splint then like 5 seconds later keda came in and held one of his hands behind his back his mask dropped and turned into a  worried look h came closer and stood next to me and pulled his hand out from behind his back "it's a Brazilian flower" his tail started to wag and my mouth dropped "shittt keda how did you get this" he shrugged his shoulders "I have my ways" he laughed and I politely took it from him and smelled it, it smelt amazing I looked at him and smiled.

Popees POV:
I told her I'll be back because I went to go get her a splint for her knee bless her she was quite injured and now I absolutely despise eepop hurting my poor y/n it just makes me cry just thinking about her beautiful face crying and screaming In pain she does not deserve at all she's too sweet.

I made it to my dads tent because that's were he keeps all of the first aid shit I went to his drawer and searched for the splint then I heard a toilet flush and out came my dad he took both of my shoulders and looked inside his drawer "what are you looking for son" I stopped "a splint" he raised a brow "but who for" he shrugged his shoulders I face palmed my head "for y/n her knee won't work stand up straight without one when she walks" he pulled a 'ohhhhh face' I gave him a seriously look and went back to searching "we all know you love her maybe adore or both who knows?' He said while drinking a cup of tea with his pinky up while closing his eyes I stopped again and blushed and turned to him "is it that obvious pa" he opened one eye his mouth still on the cup he pulled back and opened both of his eyes "yes it really is" he placed his cup on the bed and put a hand on my shoulder "go for what the heart wants my son and trust your gut like your mother said-"

"Your inner gut feeling is your future self telling you what to choose" we both said at the same time I sighed and smiled "and if your looking for the splint it's in that cupboard" he pointed to the one right next to the drawer I nodded and quickly took thanking him and ran to y/n's tent also quickly getting changed into my full performer outfit, today was gonna be the big day I finally confess but that will be later on in the night when I open her curtain I see keda standing next to her with some sort of rose behind his back so y/n couldn't see I stepped out and just peeked around the curtain then he gave her the rose she became really excited and took it smelling it and smiling at him then suddenly rain appeared my eyebrows furrowed I got very angry I threw the splint on the ground and began to cry I got a knife and when I got it out thunder struck I threw it so it landed on kedas mask the wind became really heavy so it blew the curtains up to reveal me crying "you son of bitch I've had it up to bear with you, you hear me *begins crying* no wonder why your fucking mother didn't want you cuz your a backstabbing mother fucker of a wolf" I screamed at keda and turned to look at y/n her beautiful face confused as ever I the ran of wiping the tears "if you want a flower I'll get you a flower my princess" I said through my teeth I opened the door and ran out and into the nearby forest.

Your POV:
After popee ran away he obviously got the wrong picture keda was just giving me a flower so I could feel better the thunder struck again and I saw the splint for my leg "keda there's my splint can you grab it for me?" I asked and he did so and gave it to me and I placed it on and he helped me up then after a few seconds I got used to walking with the splint and toddled over outside of my tent and so did papi he saw me and ran over to us "where's my son?" He looked at me placing a arm around the top of my shoulder to help me balance "well keda was giving me a flower cuz of how hurt I am and popee saw and I think he got the wrong picture and now I think it's my fault" I started to cry a bit but he wiped them away "it's not your fault or yours keda" keda nodded then we went to go look for popee the love of my life I know I said before I had a tiny crush on him but now I want to marry him anyway we saw footprints in the sand since the sand is wet so we could see the marks we were led to the forest and I got the hang of it so we all went different directions I went to we're all the pretty flowers grew but there are poisonous Scorpions here so I have to be careful I walked and walked and I saw popees body I tried my best to hurry I kinda did but didn't when I got there he had blue from the top of his forehead to the top of his eyes he was stung by the Scorpion I began to cry and laid my head on his toned chest then I look at his hand and he had a flower held in it I began to cry more then when I was in the mental hospital somebody got stung in ankle by one of them fuckers and they had to suck it out of him so we're would I have to suck the poison out of him then it clicked it was on his lips I gulped while blushing madly and I got closer and closer I saw his beautiful face and I couldn't help it so I went in I kissed him sucking at the same time then the poison slowly came out of him and I spat it out coughing and wiping my mouth with my hand then soon I hear "y/n?" I quickly turn to him and he sat up and we dived in for hug He tangled his hand through my hair and we both laughed slightly we pulled apart still very close "what happened?" I asked him "well when I went to go find the perfect for you I picked it up to sniff it it then I didn't notice there was a scorpion on it and when I bought it close to my face it jumped up and nipped me" he said while frowning and blushing "you went through all of that for me" I placed a hand on my chest in disbelief he nodded then handed it to me I gladly took it, it looked beautiful "thank you so much popee" he smiled and looked to the side "you went through all of that trouble with your knee for me?" I looked at my knee then at him "well duh of course I couldn't resist of you going into a forest with the chance of you not coming back" we both blushed he then stood up taking me by the hand then picking me up bridal style "come along princess it's time for your knight in stripy armour to save you" I laughed at his words and we walked out of the forest papi and keda following we got back to the zurkus and closed the door then he gently placed me in bed placing a kiss on my forehead and putting his flower in a vase "goodnight my princess" he said "goodnight my knight" he smiled and looked at me for like 5 seconds then walked away back to his tent.

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