Chapter 6- Children of the Force

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Above is an alternate cover I wanted to make in my free time!


Ahsoka and Noelle easily found the members of The Ghost crew on the planet Garel, which was where Phoenix Squadron held their base. Hera and Sabine must have been put on some kind of other errand, Noelle mused as she and Ahsoka boarded The Ghost. It was a nice ship- and fast too, as all VCX-100 freighters were.

It hadn't been hard for Ahsoka to convince Kanan to help them out.

"Noelle and I are on our way to investigate the first set of coordinates," she explained.

"And you want me to check out the second?" Kanan guessed. "I'm in!"

"You should have Ezra join you-" Ahsoka began.

Kanan laughed and punched the button on the door to the outside of the room. "He's already briefed on the mission."

Ezra Bridger fell flat on his face. "Hey!"

Raising her eyebrows, Noelle crossed her arms and smiled. "Eavesdropping is rude, you know."

"Ahsoka did say this was Jedi business!" Ezra said in his own defense.

Noelle shook her head at the fifteen year old's antics. He was younger than she had been when she first went to Middle-earth. But she saw so much of herself years ago in him. How eager he was to help others, and to please his master and learn from the best.

"Bring Zeb as well," said Ahsoka to Kanan. "He proved himself against the Inquisitors before."

Ezra grinned and glanced at Kanan. "So. Where are we going?"


Noelle and Ahsoka's set of coordinates were in space, not far from a planet called Chandel. As Ahsoka pulled their A-wing from out of hyperspace to the designated coordinates, Noelle gasped at the sight before them.

"Look!" she whispered, pointing ahead to the sight. A single shuttle was just simply floating along in space. No signs of life. It didn't look damaged, and it wasn't moving, but rather just slowly drifting away.

Ahsoka frowned. She didn't answer Noelle immediately, as a dark suspicion grew in her mind.

"Do you think it's abandoned?" Noelle asked, her blue eyes scanning the silent vessel.

Ahsoka slowly maneuvered the Starfighter onto the bottom of the shuttle, locking them on. "Not likely," she said. "It was attacked."

"Attacked?" Noelle followed Ahsoka out of their A-wing and up the docking tube. "By the Empire?"

When Ahsoka didn't answer, Noelle inwardly smacked herself for asking such a stupid question.

Of course it was you moron. She was monitoring transmissions from Mustafar and this was the location!

Ahsoka opened the door of the main hallway, and Noelle peered at the sight from behind her shoulder. Everything in this ship was almost pitch black, but they could see a little due to the red emergency lights that were slowly fading away. Pieces of metal and gas tubes littered the ground. Using the Force to quiet her movements, Ahsoka silently crept down the hall, followed by Noelle. She saw no one living, but Noelle could have sworn she saw lifeless forms heaped on top of eachother pushed off into the rooms aside. Then Ahsoka nudged her and lightly tapped the side of the wall with her two front fingers. The metal on the wall was blackened, scorched and melted. The marks of a lightsaber.

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