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This chapter is dedicated to @arw1024 because she was the first person to read this book and she has just been soo pog even though I have only known her for a really short time. It's just amazing how kind some people are. So, thanks.

Once again I DONT know who did the art so if you did it then you know the drill and all that.

Anyway on with the chapter

Triggers:  mentions of abuse, fighting, weapons?  Violence in general.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Still normal POV 

Ranboo didnt know how long he'd been in the van. Time was difficult to judge in the van. He stayed in the same position, curled up in the corner, until suddenly, he was blinded by an extremely bright light. He blinked, trying to clear his mind. When he could finally see again, he realised that the blinding light was in fact, the sun. The van's doors had been opened.

Ranboo shot to his feet, and ran for the doorway, but before he could get anywhere the man who had hit him (or at least Ranboo assumed he was the same guy) stepped into his path and grabbed him roughly by the collar of his shirt. Ranboo choked, his hands going to his neck to break the man's hold, but he couldnt. The man was tall, around 6'10, and thin, but surprisingly strong. That wasnt the strangest thing about the man though. 

He wore a mask...

With a childish, lopsided, smiley face scrawled on the front...

And a green hoodie.

If you think that made him less intimidating, you were wrong. The smile just made it way creepier. As Ranboo, slowly turning purple from the lack of air, struggled to free himself, the masked man finally released his grip on ranboo, and let him drop to the ground, gasping for air. The masked man turned his back for a minute, fiddling with something inside the van. He turned round again, this time with a pair of handcuffs in one hand, and in the other...

Is that an axe? With a blade made out of... diamonds? 

Ranboo's managed to clear his head pretty quickly. His dad used to choke him sometimes, when he failed a class. Lets just say he got a lot of practice. 

While the man was getting the and handcuffs from the van, ranboo had leapt to his feet, and started running. He had no idea where he was going, or even where he was. The masked man didnt seem to worry. He just stared at Ranboo. Even though he couldnt see the man's face, ranboo could feel eyes boring into the back of his head as he ran. He stopped, and turned. He couldnt hear footsteps. 

To his surprise, the smiling man wasnt following. He was standing. Motionless. As if he were waiting to see what ranboo would do, the creepy mask still smiling. Only now the mask looked sadistic. He didn't know why. Honestly, a man in a mask shouldn't have scared ranboo, but this guy definitely did. Something about the way he held that axe- like he knew how to use it like he'd used it before, on kids like him. Teenagers, like him, with no one to run to. No where to go.

Ranboo knew he should run. Get out of here. Call for help at least. But his curiosity got the better of him.

"Why— why aren't you chasing me?" He called

"Because you cant run...

You cant hide from me..." 

His voice was dull, and raspy. Like he hadn't spoken for months. With no emotion whatsoever. 

Little did ranboo know, this is the voice that would haunt him...

for the rest of his life...

A/n: well, well, well.

This is my version of how and why dream's voice is in Ranboo's head. Hope you liked it.

Only joking. Hope it made you sad. Actually i hope you liked it because it made you sad.

See you next time my fellow pain-lovers.

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