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Images of cake grimes

One/how he likes to cuddle you.
You and Carl would cuddle. You lay down face to face. Sometimes you might rest your foreheads together. You would both give each other tiny little kisses before falling asleep. Carl would love sleeping like this so he can watch you and kiss you much easier.

Two/how he would ask you out.

Carl's has a huge crush on you for a very long time. They way you smiled or laughed made him smile or laugh. He would talk to Michonne about you a lot and ask you for advice. Well one day Michonne's advice to him was for him to ask you out. To stop saying you like her so much but sit down watching Ron try date you. So he had asked for you to meet him at his house. He had told everyone not to come home as he wanted to do it with no one there.

''Hey y/n. I've been wanting to ask you something for a while.''
''Oh what is it.''
''Well I-i Um. Do you want to be my girlfriend.'' He managed to blurt out. You looked at him smiling. This was a moment you both have been waiting to happen for a long time.
''Yes of course I would love to.'' You said laughing . Cake took a huge sigh in relief. The real reason why he didn't want anyone to be at home when he asked you was in case you said no. But luckily for him you had said yes.

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