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He would like to keep a tight hold of you. He also would like to be able you kiss your head. So you would be laid on top of him his arms holding a tight grip around your waist.

You would both face each other. Foreheads resting on one another. You would both kiss each other . But on the other hand if you where reading a comic book. He would have you laid on his chest. You feeling his heart beat. He would read to you occasionally you would fall asleep.

Daryl's not one of those people who cuddle often. When you did he loved it. He liked knowing that you where there and safe. You would lay on him. Half of you body still on the mattress and he rest on him. He would make sure to always have at least one arm on your waist.

Cuddling Glenn. You would spoon each other. Most of the time you where the little spoon. Glenn would continuously kiss your neck. Or whisper omit your ear. When he was little spoon it would be after a long hard day or when he's saw someone die. He would like knowing that your there but how you would want to make sure he was alright. You would kiss him and whisper to him maybe even sing a song or read to try help him sleep knowing he would find it harder to when it got dark .

Rick would probably hold you into his chest. He likes knowing your close by him all the time. He would pull your body close to him whilst you rest your head on his chest. He would kiss your forehead throughout the time you both where cuddling. Telling you how perfect and how lucky he got to have found someone like you.

You would cuddle different. Negan likes knowing your safe. He would lay on top of you making sure you can't move. He likes keeping your close and safe. But if you've had a thought day. Possibly even being seeing someone you care about die he would have you lay on his chest. He would make little jokes trying hard not to make them insensitive like he would do so often.

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