Making up with them

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He was stubborn. Everyone knew it there was no way he would say sorry first. Either way he made some pretty good points. You knew he was right but he could have worded it a tad nicer and in a calmer tone. You had been sleeping in bed with him still but you didn't cuddle or even talk for that matter. This was the longest you haven't made up after an argument. Well you decided to wait until you both go to bed. You where in the bathroom changing you picked out the cleanest clothes you had. You laid down next to him wrapping your arms around him.
''I'm sorry. I know what I did was stupid.'' You say kissing his shoulders a little. Abraham apologised to you.

He had caught you going over the wall again a day or two later. He was angry with you especially after he constantly told you almost everyday. Carl had stopped talking to you completely. He wouldn't even look at you. You knew it was your fault and began hating yourself for it. What if he wanted to break up with you. There was only one way to make it up to him. You where going on a run with Daryl and Glenn the next day. You wanted to get him so new comics and any sweets you could fin. The sweets obviously wouldn't be fresh or even in date but you wanted to show him that you where making an effort. You knew that they had a paper store close by the building so you decided to write him a note.

Once you had returned back you had began writing the note. You picked up some extra paper to wrap everything in almost like wrapping paper. You set everything up and waited for him to return. You had hidden in the bathroom acting like you weren't there. You heard your bedroom door open and the call of your name. You walked out to see Carl stood there smiling.
''Come here.'' He said as you walked up to him. He gave you a big hug and smiled kissing the top of your head.

Daryl was still pissed that you went on a run and didn't tell him. Unlike most of the group Daryl can't be won over with kisses and hugs and a sorry. It was going to take a lot longer especially if you actually wanted him to hold you at night or even him laying in bed for a little. Daryl wasn't one to always sleep in bed with you. Most nights he slept on the porch holding his crossbow. But he always would wait for you to fall asleep he would sit down and talk with you sometimes he even cuddled you. You decided if he was going to sleep outside you where to. It was night and you had heard our knowing Daryl would be there.
''What ya doin lady go to bed.'' He yelled looking at you as if you where crazy. You didn't reply to him instead took a seat next to him.
''If your sleeping out here then so will I. I'm sick of you ignoring me I made one tiny mistake and forgot to tell you. Maybe it ended in me getting hurt but that doesn't mean shit.'' You blurted out it wasn't your intention but it happened. You both sat in silence. You moved next to Daryl placing your head in his shoulder.
''What ya doin now. Y/n not out here come on.'' He said standing up and heading inside.
''If ya wanted to cuddle coulda just asked.'' You looked at him smiling. He laid down placing you on top of him.

Glenn wasn't to happy about what happened. He was still mad at you. Even more upset thinking about what could have happened if he didn't show up. You knew he was upset and he had every right to be. He had almost lost you. With your ankle being twisted it was hard to walk on it. You helped around in Alexandria a little. It want much you would babysit Judith when Rick Carl and Michonne would go out on runs. Other than that it was pretty boring. Glenn would talk to you but when he did it wasn't sweet or kid. Instead it was subtle and short. At night he didn't cuddle you. This made you feel terrible. So you spent most of your time upset but more mad at yourself.
''Glenn. Glenn please just talk to me.'' You said crying when he walked in late from helping Rick out. He hated watching you cry but he had to admit he was still pissed off with you.
''I'm still mad at you. Your stupid sometimes you don't think you just act and look where you ended up almost becoming one of them. I would of had to have seen that.''
''I know and I'm sorry. I hate myself that was terrible of me to have dorm to you but there isn't much more I can do. What do you want me to do.'' You said crying.
''I already hate myself enough for what happened. Okay but it happened we can't go back or change it and you need to understand that alright it's the life we live. Just cause we didn't choose it we've got to deal with it.''
'' I know that but it's hard okay. I'm not mad with you. I'm mad with myself even more so this stupid world. Okay but I'm scared if I tell you I love you I'm gonna loose you to one of them.'' He said crying. That night you both went to bed a little more happy.

Because you forgot to tell him once you returned he was yelling at you a lot. Carl was hanging out with Enid. But he came back a little earlier. All that could be heard was Rick screaming at you. Telling you how stupid you are and that you need to get better at things. Carl and you where close he told you a lot of things he has never told anyone else. He walked in. You where in tears just listening to Rick nodding your head you didn't talk just sat there. Carl knew you where crying because when he walked down you immediately turned your back. Carl just looked at his dad disgusted at how he was talking to you.
''She's a human dad you could try be nice maybe listen to her.'' He said running to his room. He didn't even look at Rick instead just ran up the stairs.
''Deena. Your not crying are you.'' He said hastily. He walked up to you but before he approached you turned around. He knew he was a little harsh on you and that he should have been nicer.
''I'm sorry I really didn't mean to make you cry.'' He said hating himself. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your shoulder softly.
''It's fine your right.''
''I'm not. I'm scared of losing you or cake and Judith. You're all my family. And I love you so much.''
''You should probably go speak with Carl.'' You say Rick nodded walking upstairs to his sons room.

He cleaned up all your cuts. Whilst doing it he was yelling at you. Not so much in a loud town but definitely a sad and mad one.
''I know I messed up and I'm so sorry. I didn't think I never do Negan please don't ignore me.''  You said as he turned away when you began speaking.
''I'm not just gonna give you hugs and kisses. I'm pissed off with you. More so with myself for not watching you.''
''Negan I don't need watching. I'm not some baby. Okay I went out and got a little hurt.''
''A little.''
''That doesn't matter. I don't want you to hate me.''
''I don't hate you. Your impossible to hate. But I'd prefer that you not go in the woods without me.'' He said in a more calm softer tone.  Realising you know you made a mistake and that your truth to make it better. Negan kisses you before picking you up. He laid you down on the bed your shared getting in bed laying on top of you.
''Take a nap. Cause man I'm tired as shit.'' He said making you laugh.

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