Why you argue

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You had gotten hurt whilst going on a run. He doesn't mind you going on runs as he knows you know how to look after yourself. But this time you had forgotten to tell him that you where going.

You where in Alexandria and you kept going over the walls on your own. He didn't like it and was mad that you didn't at least let him come with you. He would threaten to tell his dad.

You had gone looking for supplies rick said someone would have to go on one soon. You decided to go on your own. You accidentally cut your arm. It wasn't serious but he didn't like that you didn't tell him and just left. He made it a big deal when really it was only something small.

You had gone out on your own. You ended up twisting your ankle. The worst part was you came face to face with a large group of walkers. Luckily he found you in time. Once you returned he wasn't happy at all.

You had forgotten to tell him you here going on a run. Rick has this fear of losing people. So he had the terrible feeling that something absolutely horrific had happened to you. And because you forgot to tell him he was even more worried not knowing where you where. Once you turned up at the gates he was happy but also furious at you for being so stupid as to not tell him.

You had turned back with a large scratch on your head. Your nose bleeding and arms full of scratches. He was furious not because you had gone out without him but because he was scared of losing you.

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