Chapter 1

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I woke up. I found myself in a cell. Not a very restricting one. It was clear glass and I had no restraints on what-so-ever. I woke up in the middle of the room. A spot on my head was covered in dry blood from when I tripped.

"Well look who's woke up? Care to tell us who you are and what you were doing here?" A man said.

"Well, to start of I'm Y/n. And I was helping Thor. I always do. Surprised it's only now you've seen me."

"Ok Y/n, I'm Tony Stark. Now do you know Thor personally?" Tony questioned. I struggled to stand up so I sat and slouched in the closest chair to me.

"Yep, he's my brother" I answered. "Adopted" I corrected. "No one related to him by blood could have this much talent"

"Ok then. I will leave you for now Y/n to follow up on this information."

"Thor we need you down here for someone, bring Loki too," Tony says over the communication systems.

Hours pass and no one enters even the room with my cell in. It becomes so late that it's almost midnight before Tony walks back in with two others that I recognise very well. Loki mumbles something inaudible and puts a hand to his face.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Thor sighs.

"Sorry brothers, I got caught" I smiled.

"Wasn't that the number 1 rule?" Loki said. "Don't get caught?"

"Yes and I'm sorry that I lasted this long without being seen."

"Right now that we have confirmed Y/n's information. Could you tell us a bit more about her you two? She's a bit stubborn and won't answer much to me," Tony asked.

"Well she's my sister. Odin gave her the power to control weather in order to help Thor on missions. That's why she was out. And every other time she's been out but you haven't seen her," Loki said.

"That's about it really" Thor added on.

"Ok that's all we need. Y/n if you like you don't have to hide anymore, you can officially join the avengers and I will personally introduce you to everyone. I think you will be a valuable asset to the team. You can fight by yourself and help Thor then," Tony said.

"Alright. But only if Loki can stay too. He is my best friend after all,"

"Sorry Y/n, I'm not sure how I, or anyone else for that matter, would feel with a murderer sleeping in the same building as me" Tony said as the smile dropped from his face.

"Well Tony, then I guess this is goodbye"

"Fine then! But any funny business he causes is on you!" Tony said. I glanced back over to where Loki was standing. He smiled at me and shook his head as if to say, "What a troublemaker you are"


"Everyone, I would like to introduce to you my sister. Her name is Y/n. She is joining us and will be joining our mission on Tuesday," Thor said.

"Uhh hello everyone" I said as polite as possible.
I whispered to him "What do you mean mission on Tuesday? That's in 6 days and your only telling me now?!"

"Sister relax, you've only just got here. Have I had time to tell you? No, because you've been getting your stuff"

Thor pointed out everyone and told me their names. Nat was nice to me. She had a warm smile. Also Peter was kinda cute, he looks around my age, 18. He looked shy so he didn't talk much.

"Spider-boy, May you show my sister to her room? I believe it is the spare one next to you, Loki I will show you yours later, it's next to mine" Thor asked.

"Uh yeah sure Mr Thor sir, right this way Y/n" Peter smiled.

"So, Spider-boy eh?" I asked walking up to my room.

"It's spider-man actually, but my names Peter. If you don't mind me asking Y/n, how old are you?"

"Oh Peter it's fine, I'm 18. How about you?"

"Oh sweet, I'm 17. We'll here is your room Y/n. We share a bathroom so our rooms are connected in a way. That means if you need anything, you can just walk through and I'll be happy to help," His smile was so warm it virtually lit up the room.

"Ok Peter, I'll see you later" I wanted to make him feel good so I smiled back at him.

Y/n LaufeydottirWhere stories live. Discover now