Chapter 4

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They didn't realise I was gone to start with. They though I was just hiding up in my room.

"Hey um, Mr Stark? Do you know where Y/n is? She said yesterday for me to help with something around now," Peter asked.

"Sorry kid, have you checked her room? I thought she was up there. Haven't seen her since morning," Tony said.

"What do you mean Stark? She came back with you." Thor butted in.

"I thought she came back with you? SHIT!" Tony exclaimed.

"Y/n?! Y/N!! Shitttt she's been here a week and I've already lost herrrrr," Tony said panickingly.

"Stark. What have you done with my sister?!" Loki threatened.

"Woah uh Loki. Calm down. I know as much as you."

"I said it was too dangerous!! I said she would GET HURT OR LOST!!" Loki shouted

"Loki, calm down a bit," Thor butted in yet again.

"Brother don't you DARE tell me to calm down when you've gone and lost the ONE THING I CARE ABOUT!! She's my best friend, please..." He pleaded

"We will do our best to find her brother, I promise."


I woke up in a cell again. Not nearly as nice as the avengers one. This one was dirty. The bars were rusty. I was chained up to the wall and had slits all over my face. Worst part about it, I was in my underwear. It didn't make me feel great about what had happened especially because I could tell I had been in an induced sleep. After that a man walked in.

"Hiya hun, glad to see you've woken up. Not gonna tell you my name so you can call me X. Now here's some clothes. Lads let her get changed. Then we can see what you know," X said, then he left.

The guards unchained me for a couple minutes while I put the clothes on. They weren't good, but id rather be in them than my underwear. After that I was cuffed back up and was taken to a room. Where I was lay on a table with restraints on. X was there too.

"Right then" X said. "Gonna tell us what you know?"

"About what?"

"About the avengers, how we can beat them, new recruits, that sort of thing."

"You're crazy if you think I'm telling you anything,"

"That's fine," X said. "We could use you for experiments either way, after all, you are a superhuman. Are you listening?!" X slapped me.

"Yes I was actually."

After that they drew some blood from me and slit me open. There was no anaesthesia so I was screaming the whole while through. They dragged me off the table, barely stitched my wounds and tied me to a chair. I was being recorded. They sent the video.


"What did you do?!" X screamed.

"I didn't do anything!" I sobbed back. "Please just let me go!" X had a guard slit me slowly down the arms

"AGHHHH! PLEASE!! PLEASE STOP! LOKI! HELP ME PLE-," I screamed before I was cut off by X knocking me back out yet again.

"Stark you better hope for YOUR OWN SALE THAT YOU FIND HER!" Loki screamed before walking out.
Everyone else was silent. Peter looked down shamefully. Tony walked out to see Bruce.


"Bruce you got anything?"

"Working on it.... God dammit!" He slams his hand down on the table.

"Woah Bruce, calm down a bit. What's wrong?"

"I was finally getting somewhere and they cut the damn feed! You'll have to go search that place again. You might not like it but I can't do anything to help if the cameras cut and I don't have anything else to work from. Look for anything else to help me,"

"Sure Bruce, we'll go tomorrow." Tony walked off and told the others after that.

"You ok brother? You look sadder than earlier" Thor asked.

"Just worried. I don't want to see anything I don't need to,"

"It'll be fine brother, I know it will." Thor said

"I can't help worrying,"

"I know you can't, but what I do know is if Y/n knew you were worrying about her, she would take the mick out of you," Thor and Loki both laughed.

"Yeah I guess."

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